Here at MyCorp, we know entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes, but how do you know what kind of entrepreneur you are? We spoke with 75 ‘treps about where they stand on the entrepreneurial scale – from solo entrepreneurs to serial entrepreneurs and even artrepreneurs and bropreneurs, find out what style suits you best!
1) “I love being a single mompreneur as it has allowed me to be there for my kids over the last ten years, while still building my business during early morning hours, while they are in school, evenings and some weekends. I recently hired my oldest daughter to help part time and we both enjoy the time we spend together working on the business.”
– Theresa Polley, Owner, Retreat in the Pines
2) “I’m a solopreneur and my favorite part is having other solopreneurs on a similar journey who I can bounce ideas off of and share experiences with. I also love being able to completely chart my own course and decide for myself what my business is going to be about.”
– Matt Becker, Founder, Mom and Dad Money
3) “My wife and I work together in our full time, award winning, photography studio. We used our wedding gift money to get started in 2009 and we’ve been growing ever since. We do about $175,000 in gross sales a year and that’s a lot considering the industry where everyone has a camera and are hiring pros less often.”
– Michael J. Molinski, Owner/Photographer, Photographics Solution
4) “I am an Attorneypreneur. My favorite part of being an attorneypreneur is that I get to think like a business person but get to help my fellow lawyers in the legal community.”
– Matt Reischer, MBA/JD, CEO,
5) “I am an entrepreneur; well actually, I am two types, a solopreneur and mompreneur. My favorite part about being an entrepreneur is the ability to run my own business, ability to continue raising my family on my time, and being the wife and mom, I need to be. I am in charge of ethics, morals, and any other decisions to continue a smooth operating business.”
– Sedaria Williams, Founder and Sr. Publicist, Airades Public Relations
6) “I’m a solopreneur transitioning to a partnership. After 10 years as the sole owner of my firm, I’ve brought on a partner to assist with sales. It was a tough move, but the results don’t like, as we’ve quadrupled monthly revenues within our first year working together. This is precisely what I love about being an entrepreneur–you’ve never got so much experience that you can’t learn something new and improve your business.”
– Joshua Steimle, Founder and CEO, MWI
7) “My favorite part about being a tech-entrepreneur is being able to somehow change the world. You are able to change the way people see one of their problem and change the way they handle it.”
– David Chevenement, CEO- Founder, BeesApps
8) “I’m a mompreneur. I incorporated my own self-publishing company to offer consultation services to aspiring new authors and to publish my own books. I set my own terms and answer to myself.”
– Gawri Manecuta, Author, Speaker, Writer, Blogger, Mirwag Inc., Awake Your Mind
9) “I’m a solopreneur. I have been one for several years now, involved in various ventures. Now, as a Holistic Business Coach, I couldn’t be happier – I am driven by passion for what I do and helping others and I love having total control over all aspects of my business. I find that solopreneurs are some of the most creative and driven people because we have to be super resourceful to figure stuff out for ourselves. It pays off!”
– Kamila Gornia, Holistic Business Coach
10) “I’m proud to be a solopreneur! The best part of being a solopreneur is how incredibly fast you can move. There aren’t any design by committee moments, and you can shift focus very quickly, which means a lot more flexibility when you need it most.”
– John Turner, CEO, UsersThink
11) “If I had to define myself it would be as a Serial Entrepreneur of Socially Responsible Start-Up Businesses (long before the term ever came into the mainstream). As my attorney states, I know what people need before they know they need it. Owning the first holistic health center in the United States, the first environmentally friendly wholesale-retail store, a radio show dedicated to informing people about children’s needs, a TV show host focused on both educating women to make informed choices and promoting women who do not know how to promote themselves, I LOVE being in niche markets and being the first on the block in a genre. The reason I prefer this direction in life is because, as a woman, a fierce competitor in the 60’s was not considered a ladylike quality. I always play to win. To avoid this, which at the time was considered negative, I went into first markets so that there were NO competitors. In addition, I LOVE the research and development aspect of starting something new and different. It keeps me active and my mind alert.”
– Daria M. Brezinski, PhD, What Wize Women Want
12) “After working in large corporations, I realized I needed to do something else so I would be able to spend time with my family (three kids, a husband and two dogs). It seemed like there was space for someone who really cared about clients, listened and gave them what they wanted. I have owned a marketing firm for 25 years; we offer graphic design, website development, public relations, social media – a whole realm of advertising for print, radio, online and TV. It was the best decision I ever made!”
– Nancy Garberson, MOL, CEO, Marketing & Communication Strategies, Inc.
13) “I am an author and financial stability life coach. My favorite part of being both is the autonomy. I can order my day based on the priorities I set and not on the priorities of the corporate environment.”
– Ken Rupert BA, BCMCLC, Author & Financial Stability Coach, The Vita-Copia Group
14) “I have worked for myself for nearly 30 years. I hate the tortoise pace I see in corporate America and absolutely love the ability to shoot from the hip and then bob and weave every day.”
– Howard Gottlieb,
15) “I am a solopreneur and have been for 25 years now. I work with mostly Fortune 100 companies, designing employee training program. The best part of being an entrepreneur is the freedom to work when and for whom I want. Clients drive me nuts – I drop them. Project doesn’t interest me – I don’t accept it.”
– Nanette Miner, CEO, The Training Doctor, LLC
16) “As a solopreneur and owner of DirtyMouth Communications, a motorsports consulting company, I really enjoy getting to be a hands-on business owner and work one-on-one with my clients. Keeping my company small means great interaction with my clients and allows me to customize my services for their needs. My husband, Carl Bowser, is also a race car driver and it’s great to be able to deal with his crazy schedule, too!”
– Kristin Swartzlander, Owner, DirtyMouth Communications
17) “I consider myself a jack-of-all-trades-entrepreneur. I became one by starting out as a solopreneur and having to learn how to do everything by myself. However, to experience the type of growth I want, I now have a team of five employees and two interns who I am able to manage with my acquired knowledge. I enjoy this the most because I am involved in all aspects of the business without having to do all of the grunt work.”
– Glyn J Caddell, Founder, Caddell Prep LLC
18) “I’m a proud solopreneur running a content management business that specializes in helping financial planners and small financial businesses with content marketing and website management. I just launched my business full-time in June, and did so off my personal finance blog, Common Sense Millennial. Part of my to-do list as a new solopreneur includes developing this from just a blog into a full resource for others in their 20s and 30s who want to earn more money and launch their own digital businesses as solopreneurs.”
– Kali Hawlk, Writer & Content Manager,
19) “I am a married entrepreneur. My husband and I work together and are together 24 x 7. I love the partnership and knowing that there is always someone on my side of the court.”
– Orit Pennington, Owner, TPGTEX Label Solutions
20) “I am a solo part-time entrepreneur doing this an an encore career after 31 years at IBM. I am now a career management and diversity consultant focusing on the two areas I enjoyed the most while at IBM. What I enjoy the most is being able to focus and work on the things that I really have passion about and feel can make a real difference in corporations and the world.”
– Stan C. Kimer, President, Total Engagement Consulting by Kimer
21) “Mompreneur here! I have 3 reasons I love being a mompreneur. My success is up to me, not a boss. My income potential is up to me, not a boss. No more denied time off requests!”
– Sara Sherrell, Rockin Oily Momma
22) “I guess you could call me an old school entrepreneur I opened the doors back in 1988 with very little. The best part of this journey has been realizing many my lifelong goals through hard work.”
– Jeffrey Gehrs, Accept Credit Cards at Electronic Merchant Systems
23) “I am an artrepreneur. I am a visual artist who is building my business through my creativity. I also teach other creatives how to build their business and earn what they are worth.”
– Jane Robinson, Owner, Moxy Marketplace
24) “My firm is grounded in the ideals of social entrepreneurship. A group of unlikely activists, the team at LexION Capital is dedicated to making transparent, ethical, client-centric money management the new industry standard. More than a company, we’re building a movement: we’re the anti-Wall Street, Wall Street firm.
At LexION we work to empower people to take control of their finances, especially women and all those whose interests have been underserved and overlooked by traditional Wall Street. As a completely independent Fiduciary, our client-centric approach is more than our mission, it is woven into the legal framework of the firm.”
– Elle Kaplan, CEO & Founding Partner, LexION Capital Management LLC
25) “I am a serial social entrepreneur. I know that was not a category listed, but I am constantly networking and committed to my vision of expansion. What I love most about what I do are the consistent connections that I make in my business daily. From Skype to Starbucks and meetings in between, my business has expanded due to my ability to shake hands rather than post statuses for likes.”
– Carol Sankar, CSE,
26) “As a serial entrepreneur I have been in partnerships as well as on my own. When I began to identify what my true Entrepreneurial DNA was I found that what was truly holding me back was as an Innovator I was really not moving forward as profoundly as I could have by not having a business partner that balanced out the Builder part of my DNA that allow us to scale at a much higher rate. When I found my current partner, Charlie McClary, we quickly began to function at a much higher level, court larger clients and create systems and opportunities that have far eclipsed what we had dreamed of before.”
– Joe Abraham, Founder & CIO, BOSI Global
27) “I started my own social media consulting company, SocialClimber. I help businesses improve their social media presence – through launching targeted campaigns, increasing engagement or anything else that needs boosting. I love working in a challenging and ever-changing environment.”
– Lisa Parkin, President, Social Climber
28) “I am the owner of my own party business, Drew Kennerley Magic. I am a solopreneur and the best thing about being a solopreneur is that I get to make all the decisions and have control of the entire business; I play all the roles in my business.”
– Drew Kennerly, Drew Kennerly Magic
29) “I call myself a Portfolio Entrepreneur. I figure Serial Entrepreneurs, like Serial Killers, move from one body to the next. With a portfolio of businesses, I face the challenge of nurturing several at a time and the excitement of helping hundreds of clients in so many different ways.”
– Jacob Aldridge, Portfolio Entrepreneur and International Business Coach
30) “I’m a mompreneur that is running a successful online travel agency from sunny Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I’ve always been passionate about my work, and that translated into my passion as a mother. This business allows for a great balance between the two; more flexibility, greater financial freedom and a sense of purpose like never before.”
– Lisa Wright, Owner, Hola Weddings
31) “My name is Isaac, co-founder of Zenly, the first online marketplace for apartment rentals in NYC. I’m a bropreneur, as my co-founder is my brother, Omer Palka. It’s great to be able to work with someone who is close to you, and with whom you have good chemistry, which is essential to a strong founding team. We also have different backgrounds, skills, and personalities, which makes us a good team from a practical standpoint.”
– Isaac Palka, Co-Founder, Zenly Inc.
32) “I am a proud solopreneur. My favorite part of being a solopreneur is the freedom and flexibility to control every part of my business from whom I work with to where and how I work. I have the freedom to shift my business and pivot to keep pace with the market.”
– Karen Swim, PR | Marketing Communications, Words For Hire
33) “I am an ambitious mompreneur with three businesses under my belt. At the age of 34, I am a single parent of an intelligent 14 year old daughter and a cute, fuzzy pomeranian/shih tzu who I consider to be my furry son. My favorite part about being an entrepreneur is proving to my daughter that the sky really is the limit; the only thing that can hold you back, is you!”
– Christal Rogers, President, CR Events LLC
34) “I consider myself to be a serial entrepreneur, as I have sold three companies that I have founded and am currently running Company Folders. What I like the most about being an entrepreneur is helping people, both through providing jobs for employees and helping customers achieve their goals.”
– Vladimir Gendelman, CEO, Company Folders, Inc
35) “I would consider myself a sidetrepreneur. Starting a side business while working full-time creates some challenges, but it provides me the opportunity to get something off of the ground without pressure. I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to pay rent or keep the lights on if sales aren’t as great as I would like.”
– Nick Brennan, Founder & CEO, Unbeaten Fitness, LLC
36) “I have a business partner and a handful of part-time and contract employees. I’m also a mom and able to work from home to be near my son. Working in digital marketing is great for flexibility, working online wherever there’s an internet connection. And also with so many tools available digitally, it’s amazing the kind of advanced technology we can get our hands on with relatively low overhead.”
– Katie Mayberry, Principal, Spyglass Digital
37) “I am a solopreneur who has been in business for over 25+ years providing public relations, marketing and communications experts for sports and entertainment professionals. I started as a solopreneur to gain experience volunteering and freelancing. Years later, I have become well-known as a top-tier publicist who has achieved measurable results.”
– Parisnicole Payton, The PNP Agency™
38) “I am an agingpreneur, which some may see as a negative but, in fact, it contributes to the success of the business. The best part of being an agingpreneur is that I’ve reached an age where I have a multitude of various business and life experiences and I can now utilize these skills within my own company. That only comes with age!”
– Barbara Harwood, Owner, Heart to Heart Sympathy Gifts
39) “I’m a mompreneuer who partners with another mompreneur – 4 kids between the 2 of us, all under 5 years old! My favorite part about being a MOMpreneur is having my children witness the fruition of hard work and creativity!”
– Eulynn Gargano, Head of Test Prep and Tutoring, FutureWise Consulting
40) “I would be a solopreneur even though my husband is my business partner. What I love best about being an entrepreneur is the flexibility since I still have a full-time job and am a mom to two children. So work gets squeezed in whenever and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
– Dawn Levy, President, Ritual Beauty
41) “I stepped away from my SVP position at Edelman to start Sway Group three years ago as a mom blogger management agency. Blogging began as a hobby during my maternity leave and I quickly recognized the need for a middle man to navigate the negotiating waters between bloggers and brands. My favorite part of my career is working with a team of women on a daily basis to ensure the bloggers included in its 75,000 strong Massive Sway division focus on what they do best – develop great content.”
– Danielle Wiley, CEO of Sway Group
42) “I’m a solopreneur and love it. As a coach and consultant with small children, my number one priority is them and my wife. Being a solopreneur allows me to arrange my schedule to suit the family without concern for employees or sub-contractors depending on me.”
– Jeff Harmon, Owner, Brilliance Within Coaching and Consulting
43) “Being an entrepreneur is a rewarding experience but one that is oftentimes challenging. I am fortunate that my company, HomeZada is a C-Corp and I have 2 other co-founders in this business. Being a business owner/entrepreneur can be lonely because a lot of your friends and family may not understand how you run your business or provide support. Others might think what you are doing is unconventional or different to the point that they do not know how to support you. I am fortunate that with my co-founders, we have each other to voice challenges, opportunities, strategies and methods of business execution that helps us see multiple perspectives in order to deliver the best outcomes for our clients. I am also fortunate that each of us has different skill sets to leverage in order to grow our business. Being in a C-Corp with two other co-founders who have different skills to leverage in our business is valuable to me and the business. I have others to bounce ideas and challenges with them to come to decisions that will benefit all involved. Without this support, I do not know if I would be as excited about my business. I am very fortunate.”
– Elizabeth Dodson, Co-Founder, HomeZada
44) “I am so proud to be a mompreneur! My career is more of a lifestyle. I home school my girls and have plenty of family time with them and they help me with my business. They like to be mom’s apprentices.”
– Nancy Quinn, Owner, Quinn Wildlife Art
45) “I am a solopreneur and I love being able to determine the type of clientele that I want to work with without having to wait for others to help me make that decision. Nothing like being able to follow your passions and change direction whenever you want!”
– Rachel Sentes, CEO and Founder, gal-friday publicity
46) “As the creator of the personal brand, ‘Gift Card Girlfriend,’ I started out as a mompreneur. Last year, my website was acquired and my new company,, brought me in-house to be the company spokesperson. Although I am now technically an employee, I very much consider this role as entrepreneurial because we are now innovating together.”
– Shelley Hunter, Gift Card Girlfriend,
47) “I am a solopreneur and a mompreneur, the former allowing me to be the latter. The absolute best part about going solo is that every tiny bit of work I do really matters to me and really makes an impact for my business and clients. There is no corporate politics, red tape, or wheel-spinning!”
– Kelsey Humphreys, Lever Branding and Marketing
48) “I am definitely a social entrepreneur, I am also involved in a partnership. My partner and I (also a couple) started our company in a home kitchen in an effort to bring clean, healthy foods to the world! We work very hard to contribute to our community and beyond with our giving and environmental efforts. It is amazing to work with the right partner too. In our case, we gravitate to different responsibilities and can always calm the other one down when stressed out!”
– Samantha Abrams, President, EMMY’S ORGANICS
49) “You could say I’m a bit of a serial entrepreneur, eZanga is my third multi-million dollar web company, and it is the seventh start-up I’ve been involved in, overall. I love the challenge of being a CEO – the unknowns of whether or not the company will succeed, the what-ifs, and the possibilities that are laid out before a company when it first starts out. Having that type of open future ahead of me is what I love about being a CEO.”
– Rich Kahn, Chief Executive Officer, eZanga Inc
50) “I am an Organizational Entrepreneur. I fight organizational dysfunction, reallocate resources, and lead people to a vision. My favorite part is leading a team of diverse subject matter experts – it feels like being Captain Kirk on the bridge of the Enterprise.”
– Ryan Addis, CEO, Oak Stream Partners, LLC
51) “Early on, I made a promise to myself to never work for anyone else but myself… so far I’ve done a fantastic job at keeping that promise. My entrepreneurial style is to go it alone during the early phases of a company, learn the ropes, make my own mistakes, and then hire the right people to take it further than I can. This allows me to keep control and be fully accountable for the success or failure of my business.”
– Jeremy Young, CEO, Founder,
52) “I am a social entrepreneur. Vavavida is a company dedicated to selling ethically made and traded beautiful handmade jewelry from the world over. We donate 10% of our revenue to empower women across the globe. My favorite part of the job is being part of the change I want to see in this world. I love having a real impact and being able to empower people to improve their lives.”
– Antoine Didienne, President,
53) “I am the co-founder of a boutique PR firm in San Antonio, Texas and I like to say that we are ‘accidental entrepreneurs.’ Starting our partnership happened on accident, and here we are a year later. My co-founder, Natalie and I are partners as small business entrepreneurs. My favorite part about being an entrepreneur at 23 years old is being able to make decisions that I know are going to directly affect my business in some way, both positive and negative. I love the fact that I get a say in everything from hiring interns, to collaborations, clients and projects — it’s my voice that is heard and that makes a difference.”
– Alanna D’Antonio, Co-Founder, Belle and Bold Public Relations
54) “I guess you could say I’m a multientrepreneur. There are so many things I am interested in and want to learn about – and the best way to learn how to do something is to do it, so I end up involved in several projects at the same time. I’m currently the founder of the international graphic design and web development firm, Pixelkeet; the co-founder of the medtech startup, CrowdMed; and the co-founder of the event company, Gallevent.
Working on multiple projects in different spaces has helped me make connections between them and apply practices from one space to another. It has helped me see just how different, yet similar organizations and industries can be.”
– Jessica Greenwalt,,,
55) “I am the CEO of Just Fearless, LLC with an amazing team of people who work for me. My favorite part about being an entrepreneur is the freedom of time. My time is my own and in my control which allows me to live life to the fullest on my terms.”
– Kisha Mays, Just Fearless LLC
56) “My husband and I are teampreneurs. We are a team in our marriage and in Packable Pails!”
– Melissa Reed, Packable Pails
57) “As a solopreneur I’m able to run an extremely lean and efficient machine. This allows me to consolidate my business when times are tough, expand it quickly when time are good, and pivot and move extremely quickly. Changing scope, direction, or structure is simple.”
– Josh Natalla, President, DivTECH LLC
58) “How about one you never heard of: Vapreneur, which is a mashup of vaping, my area of expertise, and entrepreneur. I coined the word since I have been a solo entrepreneur, but I also needed something to describe the Vape Space that I command.”
– Norm Bour, Owner,
59) “I am the proud owner of JSPOP and my favorite part of being a solopreneur is you work on your own schedule.”
– Jackson Hsu, Owner, JSPOP
60) “I am a ‘Freedom Based Lifestyle Design’ entrepreneur! I sold everything I owned to travel and work from anywhere. Now, I help others do the same… maybe not sell everything, but definitely get more freedom in their lives, grow their businesses or transition them out of a j-o-b!”
– Erica Duran, Erica Duran International
61) “My favorite part of being a solopreneur is that I get to choose how to run my business – I decide how many clients I want to work with each month, I decide which products I’d like to offer for FREE and I have the pleasure of deciding that 10% of my revenue will be donated to charitable organizations that I’m passionate about every month.”
– Shannon Davis, Owner, Atlas Administrative Support
62) “The best part about being a social entrepreneur is that every day I get to be a passionate advocate for people. My work in Uganda helps to empower the many mothers who struggle to afford basic healthcare and education costs for their children. When I see the power that handcrafting our baby blankets has had to provide these mothers with higher incomes and renewed dignity, it makes my entrepreneurial journey all worth it.”
– Nicole Lindler, Founder/President, BundleTree Baby
63) “I am a solopreneur running a wedding photography business called Aiden Rhaa Photography in Boston, MA. My favorite part of being a solopreneur is waking up to do what I absolutely love to do everyday under my own terms, while supporting my growing family through it.”
– Aiden Rhaa, Owner, Aiden Rhaa Photography
64) “Owning a business with my brother is great. We disagree on multiple aspects of our business, but just because we disagree doesn’t mean we don’t grow. Listening to other’s thoughts and analysis is perhaps one of the greatest ways to continue developing your business.”
– Joe Mecca, Co-Founder & President, Kwikboost
65) “I am a regular entrepreneur, risk taker, go-getter, executer and chief cook and bottle (wine) washer! My business partner is a mompreneur. Together we make products for the baby market and everyone always wants to stick me in the mompreneur bucket. I have 30 years experience working for others, an MBA and have invested a ton of money in my company. I am truly an entrepreneur trying to make things work.”
– Jane Klugman, CEO, Shaidee Sun Cover
66) “My favorite part about being a solopreneur is that even though I have to wear an overwhelming number of hats, I can choose which hat, or hats, I want to wear and when to wear and for how long. I have become an expert at speed hat-changing!”
– Richard Houston, Owner,
67) “I co-founded with a good friend (and drinking buddy) back in 2003. I’d have to say my favorite part about being an entrepreneur is the amount of flexibility in my schedule and I love the freedom that comes along with it such as being able to have a lunch date with my wife or picking up my kids from school — all during work hours. Although I may be busy during the week (I sometimes work upwards of 80 hours), I still manage to do non work-related things without it affecting my business and I can even take a vacation virtually whenever I want.”
– Ian Aronovich, Cofounder and CEO,
68) “I’m a social entrepreneur and mompreneur for an organization called Coqui the Chef. We provide cooking and nutrition classes to the children in the South Bronx, NY which is a food desert community. I enjoy being a social entrepreneur because it is rewarding to help and see the difference we are making in the community.”
– Tania Lopez, Founder and Owner, Coqui the Chef
69) “I am a mom of two little kids (3 years and 7 months) as well as co-founder of the Efficiency Sales Professional Institute (with my husband). My favorite part of being an entrepreneur is that I get to design my family’s future and have flexibility in mapping where I spend my time depending on what’s going on. They say when you have your own business you can work half-time, and you get to select if it is the first twelve hours of the day or the last 12. Fortunately for me, I can chop the 12 hours up and spend lots of time with my kids while running a successful company.”
– Rachel Christenson, Co-Founder,
70) “I’m a full entrepreneur that owns an entertainment company. The most exciting element of being an entrepreneur is the freedom of doing what I love. The fact that I’m able to make an impact and income everyday is an extremely rewarding feeling.”
– Joel NR Powell, President/CEO, NR Entertainment Incorporated
71) “I am a mompreneur and solopreneur of, an online marketplace of handcrafted cremation urns, jewelry and keepsakes. I love being able to run my own successful business from home and to be a role model for my girls. I am also in charge of my destiny by running my company solo.”
– Irina Jordan, Founder and Owner, ARTISURN
72) “I’m an inventor-entrepreneur and the founder of Viewpace swim goggles. I invented simple and affordable goggles that allow swimmers to see the time during their swimming and used 3D print to design and test the product, making it simple and efficient.”
– Jun Yin, Inventor, Viewpace
73) “I’m a web designer mompreneur and I love having the freedom to serve my small business clients the way I want to be treated. I love being able to push myself to develop my skills to be of greater service to my clients. I love making them happy and more successful with great websites for their own hard-worked businesses.”
– Kama Wilson, CEO, Peppermint Web Design
74) “I am a serial entrepreneur focusing on disruptive technology and I’m absolutely obsessed with changing human behavior and the way people make decisions. Currently at Bindo, I’m working on transforming the way local retail shops do business and the way consumers shop. Disrupting, rethinking, and always doing better makes me love coming in to work as I feel that I’m able to get a challenging and exhilarating experience every single day.”
– David Bozin, VP of Business Development, Bindo Labs Ltd.
75) “I started my electronic cigarette brand originally just to help my neighborhood in (Williamsburg Brooklyn) quit smoking. We started in late 2010 and at the time, there no eCigs on the shelves at any of the bodegas close by. And I felt that we need to give people at least the option of a smokeless alternative to smoking. Like all brands with good intentions we made it out of the hood and have become a national brand, but it all started out of necessity to help our neighbors.”
– Jesse Gaddis, CEO, Bedford Slims
Want to figure out what kind of entrepreneur you are? MyCorporation can help you out and get your business incorporated along the way! Leave a comment below, or give us a call at 1-877-692-6772!
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