Expert Advice

What I Love About My Business — Experts Weigh In

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, entrepreneurs! MyCorporation is celebrating with their #ILoveMyBusiness contest! To enter, all you have to do is submit a photo showcasing why you love your business to along with a description of what’s going on in the photo in 25 words or less, the name of your business, and your company URL for a chance to win $500.

We’re so excited to read about all the ways you love your business!

To help get into the spirit of things, we asked our small business experts what they love about their business. Here’s what they had to say:

1.“I’m building a productivity tool, and I love it because it solves problems I face myself daily. Not only does that make it much easier to understand and be invested in, it also means that I get the satisfaction of seeing the benefits and power of it directly reflected every day in my own work.” –Tim Perry, Build Focus

2.“I believe life is better when we communicate, cooperate, and collaborate. I love facilitating programs with Drum for Change because it allows me to help people reconnect to one another and to the world around them. Every day I get to make the world a better place by sharing ways to live, work, and play well together.” –Gregory Whitt, Drum for Change

3.“I love my business because I get to decide who I work with! I hired my brother to write for me and my girlfriend to check my emails every morning, which means I get to see them more often, too.” –San Williamson, SEO Fife 

4.“LatchPal helps mothers achieve their breastfeeding goals; it’s really amazing to support new parents and help them nurture the next generation!” –Melissa LaHann, Happy Fig 

5.“I’ve always been an entrepreneur since a very young age but the reason I believe I really love my current business so much is because I feel it as a second nature, another skin layer – I was born and raised in a Romany Gypsy family so, in 2001, I’ve decided to invest into something that I truly knew about: caravans. I’ve bought then my first mobile home park and nowadays I own a business valued at around £200 million and set to become the largest within its industry sector by the end of this year. If you don’t love what you do, you’ll never succeed!” –Alfie Best, Wyldecrest Parks

6.“I love my business because it was inspired by love.  It also is the result of my creativity and hard work and there is a sense of pride in that.” –Callie Valentino, Wed-Ease

7.“Why I love my business: Every day I get to help leaders actualize their dreams!” –Terry Doc Dockery, Ph.D., The Business Psychology Company  

8.“I run a public relations firm which specializes in the pet industry. I get to work with a team of amazing women, plus we support passionate business owners who are trying to improve the lives of our companion animals. We support rescue and it’s a feel good mission. I love what I do!” –Dana Humphrey, White Gate PR

9.“I love my business as it allows me to meet the celebrities everyone else wishes they could and speak with them on a level deeper than most interviewers do. It also allows me to speak with social media moms on that same level so as to bridge the gap between the two in order to help them make the world a better place together.” –Laura Wellington,

10.“I own (wedding and event design, custom artwork) and I feel like the luckiest person in the world to be able to run my own business. I love that I get to create things that my clients will use and cherish on really important days in their life (weddings, baby showers, etc.) and that I get to employ some amazing, independent women to work with me.” –Kristin Berry, Miss Design Berry, Inc.

11.“I love the business I started, (Divine because it brings joy, fun, and empowerment to single women!” –Ruta Fox,  

12.“The thing I love most about my business are our customers. Right from the initial days our early customers have helped us grow. Through word of mouth and social media they have spread the word around. Hence, the first 100 customers are what I love most about the business.” –Ankit Seth, Team Activity Deck

13.“We love our business because it not only provides endless opportunities for our creativity, but the opportunity to support other entrepreneurs and communities as well.” –Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcellco, Beekman 1802

14.“We truly make families happier and reduce a lot of those dreaded fights over homework. Who wouldn’t love owning a business that does that?! Once families use our service, they understand why a child isn’t living up to potential. Rather than arguments about a child not trying hard enough or being a lazy, we shift the focus to what the child needs to be doing differently based on the unique way he or she learns. It can truly be life-changing for many families.” –Nancy Weinstein, Mindprint Learning 

15.“I love my business because it’s helping create generations of entrepreneurs. My business shows people how to solve problems first, and make money second. It’s helping educate people on wealth and how to attract it. It’s helping change lives!” –Chike Uzoka, Entrepreneur Coach 

16.“After 20 years working the corporate world working for companies like Samsonite, Swarovski and PartyLite, I opened a Business/Life Coaching business a year ago. I love what I do for two reasons. Mainly, my job is to help people. The excitement and pride they feel when we are able to make their businesses and lives take off is contagious. Secondly, I get to work from home on my own schedule. It has really helped me become closer to my children.” –Tim Wolski, Wolski Success Partners

17.“I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was a kid, probably because that’s what I’ve learn from my parents (social entrepreneurs). I love my company and being an entrepreneur because it helps me grow in so many ways, professionally and personally, like never before. It also helps me spend more time with my wife (and in a few months with our new family member :-p” – Josías De La Espada,

18.“I love our business because it allows me to work on many different, exciting topics, from mobile gaming to e-learning and is both technology- and people-driven. We’re on a global mission that matters (educating people in innovative ways on the financial markets in their native language) and are innovative thinkers who enjoy a lot of freedom in their work. Expanding globally with multiple products while being backed by companies that believe in us is really thrilling.” –Sebastian J. Kuhnert, Tradimo Interactive

19.“I LOVE my business because it allows me to not only help people grow their business by getting them in front of more customers online, but also have the freedom and flexibility to live the life I want and spend time with the people I care about. I have always been the type of person who loves helping others. By having specialized knowledge and online marketing skills, I am able to do this while living a pretty flexible lifestyle, earning more than enough to support myself and the people around me.” –Daniel Moscovitch, More Hot Leads 

20.“I love my business because we are able to offer small boutiques the designs and services only offered to larger stores. This helps put our customers are on an even playing field with the big guys in the fashion industry.” –Elisa Wiener, Superior Jewelry Company

21.“I love my business because it takes me around the world. I have performed in 28 countries in five continents and visited 58 countries total. I’ve met amazing people including the President, Donald Trump, and my ultimate hero, Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak. But what makes me love my business the most is that I bring joy and laughter to millions of people all over the world.” –Dan Nainan, Comedian/Actor/Voiceover Artist/Computer Geek

22.“I love my business as an independent market research consultant because I get to work across lots of interesting industries and a wide variety of clients, I’ve learned a whole host of new entrepreneurial skills since going out on my own and I have lots of schedule flexibility!” –Sarah Faulkner, Faulkner Strategic Consulting 

23.“Running a company gives you the possibility to not only decide for yourself what’s the best path to follow but also fully express your creative problem solving skills.” –Dimitri Semenikhin,

24.“I love my business because it makes people happy. Even though it is a small change, for the brief time that they use my product, it truly changes their life. My business adds color, flair & fun to an otherwise frustrating experience.” –Jessica Smith, Casttoo, Cast Tattoos

25.“Smiles, my business is in the business of creating smiles on people’s faces. They say money can’t bring you happiness but not in my business. We are an entertainment provider and our job is to bring people together. When you create value for your customers they will reciprocate and you will smile wider when you see your bank account.” –Ian Lam, Cohesion Singapore

26.“As an investigator I have acquired the right skills and knowledge to know how to bring about the right tactic for the case. I get a thrill when I have to develop a solution or a creative way to bring about the right evidence – this is my drive and why I have so much passion for my business.” –Efrat Cohen, Global Intelligence Consultants

27.“I love that I get to do what I’m best at (accounting), but for a wide variety of clients. When you’re working with solopreneurs and mid-size corporations in the same day, accounting is not boring!” –Courtney Barbee, The Bookkeeper, LLC

28.“I love my business because every day I do something different. I work with a wide variety of small businesses and it’s extremely satisfying to see them grow and know that I helped.” –Nicole Krug, Social Light

29.“I LOVE my company, Food for Thoughts Cards, and our giving-back greeting cards that feed the hungry. I LOVE being a social entrepreneur.” –Connie Charney, Food for Thoughts Cards 

30.“I love our business because it allows us to give back to the community and truly help our clients help support their cause / organization in a much more effective way. Fundraising individuals are extremely busy people, so we try to help them remove as many barriers to the donation process as possible without adding stress to their routine!” –Zach Hagopian, Accelevents

31.“I’m the captain of this ship and the courses I set, good or not so good, are mine alone to make. Freedom!” –J. Brian Pfeiffer, Design a Tea 

32.“I love my business, as it pushes me to expand my horizons. It’s introduced to me amazing people, and great opportunities to travel the world, and learn new skills. I find myself reading books not just on business, but wellness, personal finance, interpersonal relationships, psychology. I love my business because it’s based on compassion and wanting to solve a problem young women face in their careers. This is my way to give back to young women and make them impactful business leaders in the future. I remember my experienced in trying to find a mentor early in my career. For the sake of brevity: it was terrible and took too long. I truly care about empowering women and that passion gets stronger the longer I’m in business.” –Janice Omadeke, PMP, The Mentor Method

33.“I love my business because I get to help other business owners succeed with their business. Most business owners are great at what they do, but not so great at the management of the business. I get to share my passion for running a business with those that need the help!” –Andrea Travillian, Smart Step, Inc

34.“I love my business because it’s an amazing feeling helping someone create the website they’ve always wanted. The joy, laughter, and relief I hear in my client’s voice is priceless!” –Lynn White, Lynn White Designs 

35.“I love my coaching business because I get to help women create the lives they see when they close their eyes and dream. It is the most meaningful and fulfilling career I’ve ever had and will do this for the rest of my life.” –Shan White, Women’s Peak Performance Coaching

36.“It’s fulfilling to see clients happy with the service we provide. It’s fulfilling to see the people we work with succeed and earn some money. There are low points of course, but it’s never as bad as you might see it in the moment. To sum it all up I guess I see the business as something that makes me and my life better. Just like my relationship with my wife. I’m better for having the business and for having my wife :-)” –Dayne Shuda, Ghost Blog Writers 

37.“I love my business, Nourish with Style Reusable Food Pouch, because it allows me to make a positive impact on the environment, helps makes mom’s lives easier, and allows me to spend time raising my kiddos and being involved in their lives. It is a special business to me and has allowed for so much charitable work and positive impact!” –Elyse McNabb, Nourish With Style 

38.“I love helping businesses be more successful. Our slogan is helping you succeed online. There’s nothing like seeing your clients business grow and knowing that you were a part of making that happen. I also have a great team. If I create jobs and careers for them it will keep them happy, encouraging them to stay for the long haul.” –Kornel Kurtz, WebTek

39.“I love my business. As a management consultant, I have the privilege to affect change across many companies for the better. Sharing visions for forward thinking concepts, I get to collaborate with some intelligent and innovative owners creating positive change.” –Christiano, Ferraro, Christiano Ferraro Consultancy

40.“I previously worked at a mid-size company offering loans over the internet. I used the same skills to start my own businesses offering crossword puzzles and word searches over the internet, and my workday went from dreary to joyful.” –Jonah Phillips, Crossword Hobbyist + My Word Search

41.“Owning a business has given me the opportunity to assemble an incredible team of world-class professionals. I love being able to work with these inspiring people, coach them, mentor them and also learn from them every single day.” –Marina Byezhanova, Pronexia

42.“I love my business because I get to work with other great entrepreneurs and business owners who are helping make a difference in the world. I get to help these people tell their story and impact more of their audience. I do this via a process called Voice Activated Marketing* – I use an interview process to extract the genius and expertise of my client – then transform that into marketing and publicity pieces as well as published, bestselling books. I call it the happiness business. When a client sees themselves in print and holds their feature article or book in their hands for the first time, the joy is contagious!” –Jane Tabachnick

43.“We heart Sid Simone Solutions for being passionate about training promotional staff! Our cherry-picked professional talent offers measurable sales results to brands. Upholding diversity among age, gender, language, size, and race, we ensure every consumer can see themselves represented by our client’s brand. We love ourselves, and our Promo Gladiators for being able to Engage, Inform and Sell.” –Sid Simone, Sid Simone Solutions

44.“As a business owner, it is completely acceptable to chug a cup of Joe at 3am. Regardless of the hour, I love a nice, dark roast and my business provides me a viable excuse to sip another cup. While coffee can keep me going through the night, my team of energetic creatives motivate me to be a better person each day. I love my coffee. I love my team. I love my business. ContentVia.” –Ryan McManus, ContentVia

45.“I run and I love it. It is my creative and personal outlet, my autonomy, and it makes other people happy, too, and I get paid to do it.” –Brad Hines,

46.“What I love most about Jump Suit Group is that it embodies me by serving as an outlet to express my creativity and core beliefs. The movement we’ve created is far more powerful that anything I could have built without my team, and our mascot. Most importantly, being able to inspire others to take a leap of faith or pursue their dreams is a feeling that would not be possible without JSG.” –Connor MacNeil, Jump Suit Group

47.“For me, what I love about my business is simple: being an entrepreneur means never being bored or hitting a lull. There is always more work to do and a new challenge around the corner. It keeps you on your toes.” –Pieter Van Iperen, Sports Media 101 Inc

48.“I love my business because I’ve taken two of my favorite hobbies – playing poker and traveling the world – and turned it into a business where I get to travel the world while playing poker! I’ve met some fantastic people through our Ante Up Poker Cruises, our Ante Up Poker Tour and from publishing Ante Up Magazine, and it’s so enjoyable to be in a business where everyone has fun.” –Scott Long, Ante Up Poker Media, LLC

49.“I have been completely enamored by HealthReveal’s mission and our CEO’s vision from my very first encounter because I wholeheartedly believe that what we are doing is the way to improve both individual patients’ lives and the healthcare system overall – it was truly ‘love at first sight.’ While I had been feeling a bit overwhelmed with juggling 3 young kids, part-time work, multiple households, and volunteer community leadership positions, I immediately replied ‘Yes’ when invited to join the team; I remain absolutely grateful and passionate about HealthReveal every day.” –Christine Silvers, M.D., Ph.D., HealthReveal, Inc.

50.“I love my business because it’s a challenging and rewarding way to help others and make a good living, and because it gives me a personal purpose and mission to work toward long-term.” –Mike Matthews, Legion Athletics

51.“I love my business because it gives me all the freedom I’d ever dreamed, yet it is such a perfect match and aligned with my personal interests that everything I did for fun before is now business. When I’m not working on it, I’m thinking about it.” –Alex Drysdale, Crik Nutrition

52.“My business allows me to work from where I want. At the moment I am sipping a sweet Mango shake behind my laptop on the beautiful island of Cebu, Philippines. Owning my own SEO agency allows me to travel and work from where I want, how I want, and escape the horrible Dutch winter.” –Romano Groenewoud, SEOgeek

53.“There are two things I love about my business. First, I love giving people advice about how to make their vacation to San Francisco special. Second, my business is all online, which gives me quite a bit of flexibility. I love that I’m able to explore this wonderful world while making a full time living online.” –Jill Loeffler, SFTourismTips

54.“I LOVE MY BUSINESS because it was a dream of mine since I was 16. Today I’m 37 and living my passion of helping people be the best version of themselves. I wake up eager and excited to start my day and leave feeling grateful and fulfilled.” –Kelley Kitley, Serendipitous Psychotherapy, LLC

55.“I love our business because our users would send us love letters calling our product a godsend. We’re in the business of mentoring aspiring developers to help them find dream jobs as web developers, and this does make a very meaningful impact to people’s lives. I’m proud to call Codementor our life’s work.” –Weiting Liu, Codementor

56.“I’ve found that when I can love myself fully, I can love my business too. This affects customers, clients, partners, and employees. I founded Wet Star to help people get inspired. But inspiration isn’t anything really — it’s the things we *do* that count. So I’ve made my life and my business about doing the things that matter with the people who matter most.” –Jimmy Tomczak, Wet Star Press, Lakeside & Tide

57.“I love my business. I love science but knew that the traditional profession of running a research lab was too maddening for me. I couldn’t give up science but also loved gardening and herbs. As a do it yourselfer I had begun making various products using plants from my garden. I soon realized that with my chemistry background I could learn about a myriad of highly functional skin care products and how to put them together to make a high quality skin care product. These products were something I needed to repair skin damage from being outside and I knew there were many other women (and men) who needed a similar product. That is how Colorado Aromatics was born. Besides making my own line, I also use my knowledge of natural products to help other small companies as well. My business gives me a purpose in life and allows me to have a real role in forming community.” –Cindy Jones, Ph.D., Colorado Aromatics

58.“How do I love thee, On Location Tours? Let me count the ways. 
I love the way you let me be creative, and are such a fun, think 
outside-of-the-box business. 
I love the way you let me develop you and carve out next steps. 
I love the way you give me my flexibility and my own hours.” –Georgette Blau, On Location Tours

59.“My company recently hit the five year mark and it struck me – I’m much happier being my own boss [than I was working for a large corporation]. When my alarm used to go off, it felt extra discouraging to have to wake up and be pulled away from my home or family I love for something I didn’t. Now I’m in control, growing my own business and better able to prioritize how I spend my time to allow more of it with my family. I love that I took a risk five years ago ­ at the age of 26 ­ to start my own PR agency based on a concept I truly believed could work. Seeking more work-life balance, I founded a virtual agency comprised of like-minded independent contractors who rejected the idea great work had to be performed under a big roof. We continue to grow in size and I take pride in the fact I followed my intuition.” –Megan Shroy, Approach PR & Marketing

60.“I love my business because I have the ability to provide sustainable strategies that assist companies of economic and/or social importance to grow and better serve their customers. As an employee, my roles rarely allowed me to use all of my strengths. I feel like I am finally expressing the totality of who I am through my business.” –Janine Truitt, Talent Think Innovations, LLC

61.“Why I love my business: There’s nothing more New Orleans than doing business over food, so when I launched my start-up in this city, I knew that had to be one of our employee benefits. So every Friday, our entire team goes to a different restaurant to talk over gumbo, catfish and more. It’s always the perfect way to end the week…even if it does end up making Friday afternoons not the most productive.” –Flynn Zaiger, Online Optimism

62.“The number one reason is the PEOPLE. My favorite thing about being an entrepreneur is being able to choose with whom I work. As I’ve gotten older and the business matures, I’ve realized how important it is to have good team chemistry and enjoy the people you interact with daily. Sure, my team is talented and hardworking, but more than anything, I truly enjoy their company and am inspired to deliver them my best effort.” –Casey Halloran, Costa Rican Vacations

63.“I love my business because it gives me the opportunity to feel that sense of accomplishment. It was started in my garage back in 2008 and now we’ve grow to over 20 employees and over 12MM revenue annually (and still growing). I love the feeling I get to be able to provide a great work environment and salary to employees. Owning your own business definitely comes with an abundance of stress and headache but in the end to see the fruits of your labors makes it all worth it.” –Scott Vaughn, Widespread Electrical Sales

64.“I love my business because I had a hand in every part – inventing, designing, marketing, etc and we have a lot of fun at work. The product is a no-sew strap shortening solution that works on bras and bathing suits, etc, so we don’t take ourselves too seriously and say boobies a lot. (C’mon, that makes you smile!) The lingerie business is often sexy or secret so instead we’re using a warrior princess attitude and taking on the world. I also love that with the profits, we’ll be able to donate to breast cancer research and save those boobies!” –Shari Deutsch, The Strap Saver

65.“I love my business because it allows me to help ordinary investors achieve their financial goals. As Zig Ziglar said, if you help enough people get what they want then you can have anything you want.” –Mike Scanlin, Born to Sell

66.“People love food and food is love. I love, love my business because I use food to help people live better in and out of the kitchen.” –Nancy Stampahar, Life in Nancy’s Kitchen

67.“To me, the best thing about being an entrepreneur is having an operation that you own- you get to decide what the business is all about and you sink or swim by your own efforts. You’re 100 percent accountable which is extraordinarily empowering.” –Barry Maher, Barry Maher & Associates

68.“I am passionately in love with my business. My love affair keeps my flowing and adapting, because when you are the captain of your destiny having imagination and inspiring others to greatness is the Way. It took me a life time of blood sweat and tears to take my passion and turn it into a real endeavor. I built my Temple of Kung Fu one student at a time and nurtured it from a small ember into an explosion of awesome. I am so grateful to be the Sifu (teacher and father) of Kung Fu Power Temple of Kung Fu. My job consists of being priest, therapist, and drill instructor to a legion of great people seeking a journey towards their more heroic selves. Empowering people with mojo, confidence, and excellence makes going to work feel like falling into my lover’s arms.” –Sifu Richard Baron, Kung Fu Power

69.“I love my business because it combines a traditional industry; real estate with modern day technologies. It allows me and my team to build solutions in today’s environment and help people find places to live. I get to experience the full spectrum of the process, from coming up with a new website idea, to designing and guiding development, through to the search engine optimization to rank organically in Google results. We then take the traffic to build client relationships and finally help people purchase homes and condominiums. This complete experience is what makes this field so exciting, by combining many different talents and fusing the technology and real estate industry under one roof, it’s awesome!” –Ivan Ciraj, Ivan Real Estate

70.“Every day I know that someone who is using our program is literally learning how to feel better. It’s humbling and exciting to know that in teaching people how to prepare for and recover from surgery in a better way, we can help them change their own lives. It just makes me feel good. It’s still work, it’s still hard, but wow – is it worth it!” –Heather Campbell, Ready Set Recover

71.“I’ve always been curious about what makes people tick and I love working closely with people, especially teaching and guiding and fostering understanding. Now I get to do that every day! I join people on their journey for a few weeks or months and then cheer as they launch themselves with renewed enthusiasm into their lives.” –Pam Bauer, Pam Bauer Coaching

72.“I love my business because it is truly solving a pain point for moms. We are helping moms build their village and it is awesome to witness. This is what keeps me going on the long, hard days…because we all have them as entrepreneurs.” –Beth Bryan, MomCo

73.“I love my business because through it I create events that bring artists and art lovers together. I love working with my staff of creative amazing people. I love the excitement and newness of every festival we produce.” –Amy Amdur, Amdur Productions

74.“I love the freedom and creativity I have as an entrepreneur. Getting to share and connect with people all over the world keeps me motivated and driven in my business. There’s a sense of instant gratification and accomplishment that I feel when I launch a new product or service.” –Ashley Leavy, Love & Light School of Energy Medicine

75.“I love my business because it’s mine. I love my business because it gives me freedom to plan my day as I want. I love it because if I am smart and work hard, I can earn more than I ever could as an employee.” –Corrie Shanahan, The Beara Group LLC

76.“My business is really all about encouraging people to be more proactive about exploring the health, legal, and healthcare issues that arise in end-of-life situations. I know it’s an odd thing for a 31-year old, healthy entrepreneur to be involved in. But it’s so unbelievably rewarding to hear people say, wow, you just made these things so simple to understand. I love being able to help people get a handle on a subject that’s so vitally important to them and their families.” –Laura Troyani, Plan Beyond

77.“The best thing I love about being an entrepreneur is helping others complete their website. There is nothing more rewarding knowing I helped them create a website they thought might have not been possible.” –Chris Pontine, Creating A Website Today

78.“The number 1 reason we love our business is that we created it (and 2 prior companies) to be able to work together. We each have strengths and weaknesses and we complement each other well and have a ton of fun doing what we do. 

We get to have our own fun time with our podcast where we interview other couples and where we give advice on being a business owner and being in business together. It is like our own little party twice a week. But our biggest joy comes from coaching couples just starting in business together or who have been in business together for a few years and are having a hard time getting to the next level. Helping them see the joy of being together in business and life and helping their business grow makes our work fun.” –Catherine Cohen, Together 24/7

79.“One of the most exciting things about running a business is having to do things you’ve never done before. It’s also one of the most frightening. As a first time founder, learning by doing isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity. I love my business because it forces me into new situations, forces me to learn new things, and opens up unique experiences I wouldn’t have otherwise!” –Dan Hefter,

80.“I love that I get to save the world. I believe that small business people will save the world and I help make their business and life easier so they can save the world.” –Frances Schagen, Business Owners Success Club

81.“I love how my business, UsersThink, helps others do better work on their projects. I love how I help enable people to do even better work, work to solve problems in a better way, and how the more people I can help, the more those positive improvements ripple into more lives.” –John Turner, UsersThink

82.“In my own business, I love to go to work every day because I am helping women. My sleepwear is a problem solution. I feel good about what I do on many levels, helping women, donating to breast cancer research, and using cancer survivors as models!” –Haralee Weintraub, Cool Garments for Hot Women

83.“I love my business because every day is different, and it is a constant learning process. Also, I work with an amazing group of clients who allow me to be creative and we constantly grow and develop together.” –Hayley Smith, Boxed Out PR

84.“I absolutely love my business because I am able to help people of all ages learn to live instead of just exist! Everyone has a purpose and a story to tell so it’s important that we find our passion to bring meaning to our life. After all, life is not a dress rehearsal!” –Gina D-Amore-Nisco, Positive Next Steps

85.“Being a virtual business owner has allowed me the privilege to hire and work with some of the most diverse and talented individuals in my industry. There are no limitations within the talent pool. I have the ability to seek out professionals from all across the country, who each have something unique to bring to the table. The passion I have for connecting people and ideas together allows me to lead the company with such positivity.” –Georgette Pascale, Pascale Communications

86.“There are many reasons why I love my business. But the biggest reason for me is the fact that my business allows me to work from home thus enabling me to spend more time with my dog, Geeta. It just give me a sense of peace and calmness when I look over and see her on the couch with her tail wrapped around her face, sweetly snoozing. Whenever I am getting frustrated, all I need to do is look over to my left to see her. That’s the main reason why I love my business.” –Saeed Darabi, Money Pantry Media LLC

87.“I love my business because it gives me the freedom to pursue what I enjoy doing in my professional life along with my personal pursuits. I get to do the work I love on my terms while still having time for my family, friends and hobbies. What could be better than that?!” –Michelle Garrett, Garrett Public Relations

88.“I began this business because I loved the design process, and that is what continues to excite me every day. I never know what may unfold on any given day. For instance, one day we may have a wedding appointment, a walk-in client for personal stationery, an online order for a baby shower, and a request for a custom drawing of a friend’s home for a hostess gift. I love meeting with clients, and being able to translate their taste and style into a piece of personal paper that exactly captures who they are or what they want to represent.” –Kate Pickett, Pickett’s Press

89.”I love how much we help our clients every day. Many clients walk in stressed, aching, and grumpy. After an hour-long massage, they come out relaxed, smiling, and happy.” -Steve Dill, Elements Massage Sunnyvale

90.”Because I get to mentor and coach a wonderful team of people. It feeds my soul. They, in turn, change lives every single day through the power of touch!” -Colleen O’Connor, Elements Massage

Deborah Sweeney

Deborah Sweeney is an advocate for protecting personal and business assets for business owners and entrepreneurs. With extensive experience in the field of corporate and intellectual property law, Deborah provides insightful commentary on the benefits of incorporation and trademark registration. Education: Deborah received her Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration degrees from Pepperdine University, and has served as an adjunct professor at the University of West Los Angeles and San Fernando School of Law in corporate and intellectual property law. Experience: After becoming a partner at LA-based law firm, Michel & Robinson, she became an in-house attorney for MyCorporation, formerly a division in Intuit. She took the company private in 2009 and after 10 years of entrepreneurship sold the company to Deluxe Corporation. Deborah is also well-recognized for her written work online as a contributing writer with some of the top business and entrepreneurial blogging sites including Forbes, Business Insider, SCORE, and Fox Business, among others. Fun facts/Other pursuits: Originally from Southern California, Deborah enjoys spending time with her husband and two sons, Benjamin and Christopher, and practicing Pilates. Deborah believes in the importance of family and credits the entrepreneurial business model for giving her the flexibility to enjoy both a career and motherhood. Deborah, and MyCorporation, have previously been honored by the San Fernando Valley Business Journal’s List of the Valley’s Largest Women-Owned Businesses in 2012. MyCorporation received the Stevie Award for Best Women-Owned Business in 2011.

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