There is not a single business on the planet that does not have an online presence. Any enterprise that hopes to be successful must employ the internet. You can promote your business online to an audience of billions. Even better is the fact that you can sell your products right from the comfort of your home through your website. However, owning a website is not as simple as getting a random site set up for you.
Firstly, you’ll have to consult with a website designer before you can build a site. Once the site is done, you should get a search engine optimization (SEO) expert to help you out with website traffic. There’s no way you’ll make huge volumes of sales if people do not know of the existence of your website. This is why you need to get an expert in SEO to help you optimize your site so that it’s easy to find using various search engines. And in order for the SEO work to be easy, you’ll need to have the site designed properly. The design of your website can make or break your business.
Here’s what you need to know about website design:
A majority of people believe that every business must have an online presence. Close to 96% of these individuals believe that an online presence is supposed to be a priority. Therefore, it’s better to have a website with a poor design than not to have a website at all.
The quality of your website is either going to close the deal or close the door in your face. There is no way you are going to separate the quality of your website from the website’s design. The design of the site dictates its quality. Generally it is the quality of the site that will influence the experience of the user. This means that if you have a well-designed website, well-written and relevant content, then you will get a positive response from the people who use your site.
Do people need a map to get around your website? If the answer’s yes, you’ll need to make huge changes to your website’s design. It goes without saying that the navigation buttons should be located in a place where they can be easily spotted. Clear and intuitive navigation makes it easy for people to find things on your website with such impressive ease.
What is the first image that people spot when they land on your website? As aforementioned, you have only one chance to make a good impression. Changing people’s perceptions can be difficult so you better give them the right impression right from the beginning. The primary image should be one that adds to the aesthetics of your site and at the same time gives a clue as to what your site is all about. For instance you do not want to create a website for your law firm with a kangaroo as the primary image. People are bound to think that the site belongs to an Australian zoo or something of the sort.
Aside from the primary image, you will also have to work on finding the right colors. This is one web design tip that is always going to help you regardless of the site that you are creating. The colors that you choose should be appropriate for your line of business. A fashion website can get away with flashy and screaming colors. The same cannot be said about law and engineering farms. People want to see seriousness when they visit these websites and a ‘sunshine’ yellow color is not exactly the most serious of these colors. It is too relaxed for business.
So someone has visited your website and they have fallen in love with your content. They want to share with their world about your site. Is it possible for them to do that without having to struggle? Social media integration has made it possible for quick sharing of content straight from the website. If your site’s design lacks the share buttons you can be sure that that will have a detrimental effect on your site’s performance.
The content is also part of the design of the site. It is important to make sure that your site has the best content- content that actually helps people. You do not want content that goes on and on about how your company has achieved this or the other. This does not benefit the visitor as much as educating them on something that you are an expert in.
Billy Colt has more than twenty years in graphic and web design. He has been helping so many companies to come up with fantastic website designs and also to sort out their content addition problems.
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