A lot happens in a year in the life of a small business. There are plenty of ups and downs involved in the journey and moments where it’s easy to get wrapped up in routine and forget to slow down and express gratitude over the things that matter. In honor of the Thanksgiving holidays, we spoke to 101 entrepreneurs that shared what they are most thankful for this year.
1. “I am a Boston personal injury and workers compensation lawyer in Boston. For 2017, I am most grateful for having another year in business. With too many people struggling out there, being able to keep sustain and grow a business is what I am most thankful for professionally in 2017.” — Christopher Earley, Owner, Law Office of Christopher Earley
2. “As a profitability consultant and speaker for green and social entrepreneurship businesses, I am thankful for the business community’s growing receptivity to this message: We can go beyond mere sustainability (keeping things the same) to regeneratively (making things better); they can develop and market profitable products and services that turn hunger and poverty into sufficiency, war into peace, and catastrophic climate change into planetary balance.” — Shel Horowitz, Owner, GoingBeyondSustainabiliy.com
3. “As our first full calendar year approaches, I can proudly say I have a lot to be thankful for. Clients: Our clients have quality investment products and are committed to growth. Their key executives are top notch. Partners: Our partners continue to trust us by referring their clients to us. Staff: Our experienced staff has helped keep our clients as clients. They provide consistent work and results. Family: My wife and 5 year old twins have supported my entrepreneurial endeavor resulting in some additional travel days and late nights. Previous business experience: My 20 years as a partner in a similar marketing firm has taught me about the industry, providing quality results and working with smart people.” — Dan Sondhelm, CEO, Sondhelm Partners
4. “I took a big leap this year by leaving the fast-paced world of venture-backed startups to go off on my own and build a skin care blog from scratch. I’d love to share what I am thankful for as a entreprenuer this year: Hitting #1 in my Industry. In January of this year, I launched my website and devoted myself full-time to writing the content and marketing it all on my own. Today, my skin care content is ranked #1 for many (if not all) of the major search keywords for my niche and has been featured in outlets such as Huffington Post and MSN.com. I took a lot of risks and put in a lot of work–and I’m very thankful to see my hard work start to pay off!” — Diane Elizabeth, Founder, Skin Care Ox
5. “All the new people that have joined our team. They’ve made the company grow month after month, they’ve helped customer receive better service as well as better content, and they’ve made my life easier. I am so grateful for every single person on our Keto Summit team!” — Louise Hendon, Co-Founder, The Keto Summit
6. “For the second year in a row, we were hit by a Hurricane that knocked our headquarters offline. While we have a second office in Las Vegas, it wasn’t feasible to fly those affected across the country, so we were on the receiving end of generosity from other small businesses in the form of shared workspace and utilities. Of course, we’re grateful that our friends and families were mostly unscathed, but to be part of a local community of businesses enabled us to get back on our feet quickly and we are immensely thankful for that.” — Robert Russo, CEO, PromotionCode
7. “I am most thankful to have a successful online business and blog since 2008. I maintain 4 Etsy shops and my blog, newsletter and am active on 4 social media accounts all while dealing with chronic Lyme disease. Each year I count my blessings to have a wonderful husband who supports me in my business. He knows that me helping others through my products makes me feel needed and helps me stay positive no matter what health issues I am dealing with on a day to day basis. Since 12/2004, my life turned upside down when I came into contact with a tick-borne illness known as Lyme disease. I am pretty much home bound. I get to leave my house once a week for about 2 hours and then it’s back home to recovery and regain my energy the rest of the week. I can sit at the computer for about 4 hours a day but not straight. I must get up and walk around to keep my blood circulating and to prevent my joints from seizing up on me. I’ve gotten such wonderful feedback and reviews from my over 1,000 customers that it makes running my business a pleasure.” — Marsha Jaramillo, Owner, Markets of Sunshine
8. “I am thankful for our new location! Five years ago, I started my small business and set off on what has been some of the most challenging and rewarding work of my career. Early on, I had a vision of the type of space I wanted to work and grown my business in: creative, open, warm and inviting. Most importantly, I wanted to find a space in our downtown neighborhood that would be walkable, connected to community and close to all the action. This wasn’t financially feasible at first so we toughed it out for the last five years in an industrial space in the suburbs, quietly growing an amazing little company under the radar. In May of this year, exactly five years to the day of signing the first lease on our first location, I moved my company to a new downtown location perfectly that fits the vision I’ve had in my mind! I’m thankful for all that we’ve achieved this year as an agency but also grateful for the years we spent in a less glamorous space – it’s taught me and my employees how to be patient and work hard. I can’t wait to see what we achieve in the next five years!” — Kristine Neil, Founder and Creative Director, Markon Brands
9. “I am thankful for growing my business. I recently added business coaching and online groups trainings to my virtual business services company. I am now creating content to help entrepreneurs start and grow a business around their life style.” — Anza Goodbar, Certified Coach, Speaker and Trainer, The Empowered Entrepreneur
10. “I am thankful for expanding my personal brand by being featured on Dr.Oz Show for my third appearance with Bishop T.D. Jakes. Preparing for 2018 by launching my first international speaking tour to Africa in February.” — Sherontelle Dirskell, Celebrity Publicist, Msslim Promotions
11. “This year, I am extremely thankful for the 10,000 Small Businesses program sponsored by Goldman Sachs. 10KSB, as it’s sometimes known, offers a free course to help small business owners grow. They call it a “Mini-MBA on Steroids.” To qualify, you have to open your books and prove that you’re worthy of this tremendous gift. On day the first day of class, we were told that our main assignment would be structuring a 50-page growth plan designed to grow our business. I was dubious, but took the course work very seriously. With much help, I crafted a growth plan that, on paper, just might have a chance of working. Less than a year later, my growth plan has far exceeded even my most aggressive projections. Year over year revenue is up 374%. Net profit is up almost as much. To say that I am grateful to 10,000 Small Businesses is an understatement.” — Michael Jamin, Co-owner, TwirlyGirl
12. “I spent the majority of the year living full time at Boston Children’s Hospital with my 5-year-old son Ari, as he awaited, and then received, a heart transplant. I worked from the hospital when I could, but my team covered everything with skill and grace. I couldn’t be more thankful that I work with such amazing people.” — Mike Schultz, President, RAIN Group
13. “I’m most thankful for the endless support from my friends and family. My entrepreneurial journey has been an intense struggle over the past seven years. I could be the poster child for the age-old phrase, ‘what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger’ and I couldn’t have made it this far without these amazing people cheering me on to the finish line.” — Lori Cheek, Founder and CEO, Cheekd
14. “This Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for the platform and opportunity to raise awareness about a little-known, troubling global human rights issue — organ trafficking. I am a social justice author and publisher. Earlier this year, I wrote and published, A Girl In Traffick, a thrilling novel based on true stories about organ trafficking in India. I laughed a publishing house, Majavii Press, which publishes social justice and socially conscious writing.” — Mamta Jain Valderrama, Author and Publisher, Majavii Press
15. “I am most thankful for starting my company this year, which has allowed me to be there for my children in the morning and drive them to school. I know this is time I will never be able to get back. When I was in the classroom, I had to leave each morning before they were even awake. I love my morning with them!” — Jen Henson, Owner, The Goal Digger
16. “I am most thankful for our wonderful iHeartRaves and INTO THE AM family. The personal and professional growth of all our team members has been extraordinary this year. During the ups and downs throughout the year, our fellow team members have shown time and time again that they are their for each other. Our team members are the key driver for our 30% year over year growth, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that.” — Brian Lim, CEO, iHeartRaves
17. “I am thankful for being able to become a full time entrepreneur this year. I am thankful that my company has experienced 200% growth since making the jump. I am thankful that all of the new products launched this year have been received well. I am thankful for the opportunity to raise money through iFundWomen and the relationships I have forged because of the campaign. I am thankful for being able to accomplish all of the above while being a wife and new mother without having a nervous breakdown, thanks to my therapist.” — Iyonna Woods, Owner, Fancy Free
18. “This year we are thankful for finally breaking the 25-employee barrier. It took us several years of hovering around that number but we’ve finally got the right team in here and we are now at 31 employees. We are also thankful for 3 new salespeople this year who have hit the ground running and are already getting great reviews online from our clients. In a nutshell, we just feel grateful to have such an amazing team who works well together and cares about our company just as we care about them.” — Danielle Kunkle Roberts, Co-Founder, Boomer Benefits
19. “What am I most thankful for? A fantastic set of electricity suppliers that have partnered with us to make our site a huge success. We launched ElectricityPlans.com in April 2017 to help home and business electricity customers find a better, more affordable electricity rate. We couldn’t have done this without a cooperative group of electricity companies that recognized our vision and were willing to participate. Our site has since grown to be a huge success and we will be expanding to other states soon for both electricity and natural gas shoppers.” — Kelly Bedrich, Co-Founder and President, ElectricityPlans.com
20. “I am most thankful for our users and community members. Every morning, I wake up to amazing stories that never fail to surprise me. I’m also stunned by the community initiatives run by our community that have helped the site grow and make new users feel welcome. Initiatives like Creator of the Week and Story Of The Week are all completely community run and have made a huge difference in the company’s success. I cannot thank these amazing community members enough.” — Sydney Liu, Co-founder, Commaful
21. “This year I am extremely thankful for good, reliable resources for my business. I have only been in business a little over a year and in that time I have been blessed to have the opportunity to work with some great business coaches. I am also grateful for the growth I have had during the year and the continued growth that I’m seeing. I had the opportunity to coach new clients and to speak at several events this year and I am looking forward to even more growth in the coming year.” — Sarah J. Cepeda, CEO and Owner, Broken Chains
22. “We are most grateful for growing! In this economy there has been a slight decline in the arts as a business. Noelle Rose Andressen, the Artistic Director and Choreographer for Rubans Rouges Dance and Founder of Awakenings & Beginnings Dance Festival has taken our company to a new level of growth. We are so grateful for her and how we’ve grown our business this year. It has been exponential to the point that we are bi-coastal and able to reach more people for our audience. Our outreach programs have also grown along with the quantity of dancers that we can hire for our projects. All this growth has led to more opportunities.” — Noelle Andressen, Artistic Director, Rubans Rouges Dance
23. “I’m thankful to have founded a company that has a social mission. Fairygodboss’ mission is to improve the workplace for women, and it’s wonderful to have become a resource to hundreds of thousands of women.” — Georgene Huang, Co-Founder and CEO, Fairygodboss
24. “What I’m most thankful for is opportunity. I’ve been in the entrepreneurial game for a long time. I’ve consulted with companies, started and sold businesses, and have worked with my VC firm to help startups realize their dreams. This year, I was lucky enough to take over as CEO of Student Loan Genius and the journey has been incredible. I moved to Austin where the weather is perfect, the music never stops, and there’s just so much to do. I get to walk in the door every day and work with a team that shares my goals: to redefine what the student loan repayment universe looks like. We’re taking off, and we’re building teams. I’m hiring people that are not only talented but cool. People I can have a drink with. Say what you want about being the boss, but I want to know that I can count on you when we are in the foxhole, but also know that’ll not be weird at the Christmas party. I’m thankful for the opportunity to grow this business but also grateful that I was given the chance. 2018 is going to be amazing for Student Loan Genius. I promise.” — Matt Beecher, CEO, Student Loan Genius
25. “I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a coach, teacher, and mentor for our team. As the founder and CEO of a startup, it’s very fulfilling being able to individually help my employees find a successful career path, so they can be their best and happiest in their chosen job role. There has been so much personal and professional growth within our team at Badger Maps over the last few years, and I’m very thankful to be a part of it and witness the immense growth of my employees.” — Steven Benson, Founder and CEO, Badger Maps
26. “I am thankful for publishing my third book, Go With It, Embrace the Unexpected to Drive Change and for the opportunity to provide a keynote talk about the book in Taiwan at the ATD Asia Pacific Conference & Exhibition. These things happened because of the incredible network of clients, and collaborators that they are so grateful to have!” — Karen Hough, CEO, ImprovEdge
27. “I’m really grateful for the circle of inspirational friends I’ve developed- it’s true that you become more like those you spend time with. Regardless if they have an entrepreneurial background or not- this year I’ve been encouraged, supported and pushed by passionate people that have benefitted my life and business initiatives. Excited to say that I will be launching my venture in December- and even though I’m a solopreneur, there was nothing solo about it.” — JC Pelsey, Founder and Host, CoCatalyze
28. “This year we expanded our enterprise services 2x, doubling the enterprise clients we do SEO for. While I’m grateful for the work, what I’m more grateful for is the fact that this expansion came entirely from word of mouth. This means that my team has been doing such a good job that enterprise organizations are speaking with each other about us and recommending us to their friends. For this reason, in 2017, I am, more than ever before, grateful for my team. They’ve been working very hard, especially at recruiting new competent talent, and deserve the praise. Special shout out to Nicole as well for keeping things together in times of chaos!” — Edward Sturm, SEO, Sturm Media LLC
29. “As a young, black female entrepreneur, I am proud to say in the first 6 months of opening my company makes about 600-1000 per month and is continuously growing. For that I am eternally grateful.” — Reese Lewis, Savor Training Company
30. “In honor of the Thanksgiving holidays I am most thankful for the new business we started in January 2018 and the success we are having in empowering women financially. We never imagined that what started as a test would turn into a movement to help women become self-directed investors. We are on track to teach and train 100 women how to trade successfully online and create additional income. We have also taken 15 women from novice to Girls Gone Forex coaches. We have a Seminar at Sea in 2018 and a waiting list of more women who are eager to take our classes. We feel a sense of purpose helping women achieve their goals.” — Robyn Mancell, Co-Founder, Girls Gone Forex
31. “Although every year has been a success, this year I am thankful quite a bit.
1) I launched the first paperless payroll app in the United States called Simon at SXSW.
2) I have been published in numerous magazines and online publications.
3) I have been on quite a few nationally syndicated radio shows. These are just a few things he is thankful for this year. Since it has been such a successful year, we wanted to share our thanks with you.” — Charles Read, CEO, GetPayroll
32. “After owning my own PR agency for nearly four years, I am most thankful that this year has afforded me the flexibility to move my business from New York City to South Florida, in order to achieve a better quality of life. I am able to proudly represent some of the most innovative tech start-ups from all over the country, without worrying about the most innovative ways for staying warm this winter.” — Lisa Hagendorf, Founder, Centerpiece Public Relations
33. “Being a kid and an entrepreneur is hard stuff! I have homework, school activities and business to take care of all while making time to play with my friends. I just started my business in January of this year and I’m so thankful for my mom and all her friends. Without her help and all the people she knows who help her, I probably wouldn’t even be getting some of the exposure I am. So far this year I have spoken to at least 6 producers for different TV shows, talk shows and news outlets. I’ve been able to do some speaking engagements for the local county schools, church groups and even a kids conference with over 300 attendees. I have been featured on Fox5, in Washingtonian Magazine and Scholastic News! All my friends read Scholastic News at school which is so cool. I’m only 10 so my mom is my manager and she makes it so easy for me to still do kids stuff and grow my business. So far I have at least 60 #Fivers (my fans) wearing my tshirts around the country. I’m thankful for support, family, friends and my dreams coming true. I told my mom I’m going to be a star, so stay tuned!” — Lavender Jasmine, Blogger, the5FootCritic
34. “I had no idea how challenging it would be to start a new business! Since my current one is 28 years old… I run a monthly Q&A mastermind for people in three of my courses:
Sell Yourself Without Selling™ Your Soul 25 Day E-Course, Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul™ Membership Club, and Your Signature Sound Bites: How to Convey the Right Messages to Get What You Want —in Business & in Life. People in the course said, “Now you know how we feel!” I’m grateful for the experience as I didn’t remember all the hardships. I am also grateful for my startup, as it couldn’t be more timely. I started True Shield: Verbal Self-Defense For Girls. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to start a verbal self-defense course that teaches young women 12-24 how to protect themselves in 10 of the most difficult and dangerous situations and stay safe. I’ve licensed the course to schools, organizations, shelters and the YWCA, Girl Scouts, Girls Inc. Boys & Girls Clubs.” — Susan Harrow, Media Coach and Marketing Strategist, PRsecrets.com
35. “I’m thankful for two things: 1) Since I work for myself as a strategic marketing consultant, I decided to work part-time. I’m incredibly thankful that I spend afternoons with my boys after I pick them up from school (and we’re generally in a great mood for when my husband gets home). 2) I had enough time to write a book, Mompowerment: Insights from Successful Professional Part-time Working Moms Who Balance Career and Family, which launched about a month ago and is available on Amazon! If I had been working for a company, I would likely not have had time or the flexibility to write the book. I am also launching consulting services and started speaking as part of the strategy related to the book.” — Suzanne Brown, CEO and Founder, OKsuzi Marketing
36. “Personally, I’m thankful for my good health. Being healthy is something than should never be taken for granted. And I never do. Having good health allows me to travel intensely, giving dozens of presentations and training sessions all over the country. I’m also thankful for the huge success of our revamped website because it is an eLearning platform which improves the way businesses communicate with customers and coworkers. We totally reworked the site and we’re seeing a sizable increase in traffic. It involved a lot of time and effort so I’m very gratified and I’m very thankful.” — Nancy Friedman, President of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training Inc.,
37. “Three years ago, I left Idaho to pursue some type of work in beauty and grooming. I realized that natural lash extensions reflected my persona as someone who values the idea and practice of natural beauty routines. Along my journey, as a small business owner in one of the most competitive cities (when it comes to self-care), I am most thankful for the hardships I’ve faced. I’m grateful for allowing myself to put myself out there, leave my comfort zone and start something on my own. I am grateful for having to do it on my own, pay rent, run my own social media, build my own website and obtain my own clients- on my own. The perseverance and dedication led me to a team who shares the same values and have the same passion that I have for IRIS+WEST LASH CO. and it’s all been worth it.” — Amanda Robinson, Founder, IRIS+WEST LASH CO
38. “Working in the fast paced and ruthless world of fashion and beauty is tough yet inspiring and rewarding. When starting Make-up Pro, Chika started it as a passion for artistry and the yearn to educate and mentor aspiring makeup artists. As the workshops filled up and a team was set in place, business was good, and it was time for Cheve to step in and help her sister, Chika grow the company, from workshops, to product and now a full team of makeup artists who have worked over 50 runway shows in this past year. We’re grateful, for each other. We work together, are honest with each other and keep each other accountable, at all times. We’re grateful for our sisterhood.” — Cheve & Chika Chan, Sisters and Co-Founders, Make-up Pro
39. “This year the team at Goodshuffle experienced so many big changes including the first employee (me!) a new office, and new investors. However, we’re feeling most thankful to have launched our new software product, Goodshuffle Pro. Our team has worked tirelessly to build an incredibly dynamic product and we’re feeling thankful that we’ll be able to bring it to the event rental companies just in time for companies who are starting to consider how they might grow their business in the new year. Cheers to getting a head start on their business New Year’s resolutions!” — Karen Gordon, VP, Goodshuffle
40. “I am most thankful for the amazing staff my company has been blessed with in our first year in business. Looking back to when we first started out a year ago, the worries I had when starting the business quickly disappeared as we added just a few key members to the team here at Clickflame. Raelynn Zaldivar is our head of customer service and works tirelessly on behalf of all our clients. Her dedication is truly at the heart of why we’ve only ever received five-star reviews online. Sidney Longnion our head website developer also has pushed the limits on what we can do in regards to website design quality on behalf of our clients. Looking back, we are blessed by having some of the greatest minds in the industry and also a great attitude and culture within our company. I started Clickflame because many of us had already worked for a variety of companies that just couldn’t deliver the best digital marketing possible which left many businesses we worked with frustrated about getting results online. Offering the best digital marketing services was not an easy road to travel. We had to constantly research new changes and updates but loved every second because we love what we do. We’ve also added a new office in Mesa, AZ just a few months ago and are actively on boarding new clients daily at this point. Overall, we’ve been blessed as a new company. While most new businesses struggle in the first year we’ve blossomed. We’ve been taking some time to give back as well, working with charities like curethekids.org and rsaministries.org to spread the word about the free help and support they offer both online and in real time. For thanksgiving we will be donating our time as a company on the day prior at a local food pantry volunteering to help those less fortunate. We enjoy actively looking for areas we can make a positive impact in both our community and the digital world on the whole including developing a free digital marketing training course on our website. Blessed as we are, we’re excited to see what the new year will bring. My advice to anyone starting a new business is to do extensive research online to learn how to do the digital marketing you can do for your own business quickly in the beginning. In today’s digital world, there is no better way to make a lasting impact and reach new customers.” — Anthony Limpert, CEO, Clickflame
41. “I am most thankful for my fantastic, dedicated staff who has helped grow our design business beyond my wildest dreams in 2017. I am beyond thankful for their real dedication to the company mission and attention to detail the continually provide honest quality service. I am grateful that they give me an opportunity to lead them and maybe even teach them a thing or two from my professional and life experiences. I am thankful for their personal dedication to step up, anytime, all the time, even when meeting a client’s needs seems almost unattainable.” — Brad M. Shaw, President and CEO, Dallas Web Design Inc.
42. “I launched my online women’s boutique called Hygge Living. I am forever thankful and grateful for the support of family and friends for their support, but what I found and was most surprised about was the support and mentorship from strangers that are going through or have gone through the same thing. It’s been amazing. I am only 3 months into the boutique business, so I don’t have sales numbers to brag about, but the followers on social media and the support I have from all angles will without a doubt set me up for success.” — Julee Dole, CEO, Hygge Living
43. “I am very grateful in 2017: I am thankful this year for having the chance to select the exceptional people who work with me on a daily basis. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by co-workers who care as much about my business as I do. They have played a key role in growing the business much faster than I ever had dreamed. I appreciate the long nights, extra hours, weekends, and all the sacrifices required in this hyper-competitive market. Last, but not least, I am grateful for being able to provide jobs to hard-working, honest people, from our security guard, all the way up to the executive team.” — Ian McClarty, President and CEO, PhoenixNAP Global IT Services
44. “We have 9 years of experience in South America, now with 134 employees and
more than 21.500.000 users internationally in Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico and Colombia. After 9 years of work, with great effort and dedication, as a company we want to give thanks that we were finally able to make our dream come true and today each of the 134 people in our team work 4 days a week!. Yes, now we can all have 50% more time with our family, that is, 3 days of weekend instead of 2. Because in the depths of our hearts we believe that there can be no balance between work and personal life if we work 5 days and there are only 2 left to do all the rest (family, hobbies, religion, sports, etc). That is why this is one step toward our goal of achieving a more healthy work environment for the family and that is why we are so grateful for these Thanksgiving holidays :)” — Cristian Rennella, CEO and Co-Founder, PréstamosPerú
45. “VWR was named as one of the Best Land Brokerages in 2017 by The Land Report and have been featured in several national articles and publications. This was through the efforts of a dedicated Marketing effort and a lot of hard work. Through this effort our webpage traffic has grown exponentially. We look forward to 2018!” — Buzz Tatom, Sales and Partner, Venture West Ranches
46. “I am a team member at Populum, a premium hemp oil company. We are approaching our first year and have surpassed a 1 Million dollar Annual Run Rate. After hitting brick wall after brick wall on payment processors, legality and advertisement platforms, we have finally found a successful approach. The best part is that we are helping people and our reviews support this statement! I have to say, thankful is an understatement!” — Chantia Singleton, Team Member, Populum
47. “I am so glad the economy remains strong! I recently hired some folks to expand my tutoring business and I’m so happy I did. No longer do I turn away clients for lack of availability, enabling us to continue growing. Having graduated college in 2009–a terribly dark time for our economy and country–I vividly remember the difficulties we went through. I am very grateful that people have jobs and money to spend!” — Schuyler Dunphy, Owner, Seattle Tutoring Services
48. “My business is a startup company (we’ve been selling our final design of product for about a year now). This year, we haven’t set the world on fire with sales (yet!), but I have much to be thankful for:
1) So many ah-hah moments as I’ve learned how to run an e-commerce business and develop sales and marketing skills!
2) The opportunity to connect with so many other people to share information with through industry groups, trade shows and a few very valuable Facebook boards (the Shopify Entrepreneurs Group!).” — Anne Moyer, President, Novel Erotics, Inc.
49. “I am thankful for so many things that have taken place in my Life & Business this year that I would love to share:
1) I am thankful for my wonderful family who supported me through my entrepreneurial journey and helped me be a better human & business owner.
2) I am thankful that my Business grew big with 700+ leads and 400+ Facebook group members in just 3 weeks.
3) I am thankful for my students who successfully enrolled in my online course & coaching program that I launched last month.
4) I am also thankful for all the supportive members in my Facebook group.
5) I am thankful for several entrepreneurs & influencers I met online this year whose stories were inspiring and helped me gain momentum and strive for success!
6) I am thankful that I exponentially grew my business and reached my income goals.
7) I am thankful for every little step that I took this year towards becoming a better person and growing my online business.” — Salma Sheriff, Business Coach and Brand Strategist, Craftadise
50. “As a business owner, there are many things that I am grateful for – however, below I have compiled a list of 4 things that I am most thankful for.
1) The Consumers:
In a way, I am thankful for the consumers, because I can always count on the market to humble me, and audit my actions to realign the business to move forward. Ultimately, it is the consumers that will best guide me for success, and to ensure that the company is on board to do business. I am grateful for the consumers in 2017 for educating me on what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur.
2) I am grateful for my mentor:
I am most grateful for my mentors, for teaching me that business is more about play, than work. I truly understand that when you have passion, and you genuinely want to “win” you will play hard as opposed to working hard. What I mean by this is, there is a time in our life where we will find ourselves grinding, and slaving away at our work, however, if it does not feel like work per se, and you enjoy what you are doing, it can feel like “play”.
3) Teamwork:
I am most grateful for team work, because you can truly see the difference it makes when the team works together, combining every team member’s strengths and weakness, ultimately working in unison towards a shared vision. The quote here is “team work makes the dream work”, and I am truly grateful for my employees, and team members, because I know how much of an impact they each make individually, and how it directly correlates to the company’s success.
4) Freedom:
When I decided to start my own business, and become an entrepreneur, I knew that I wanted to create and choose a life of freedom. Being able to devote all my time and energy to my business which is aligned with my passion, is freedom. The opportunities that comes along with being an entrepreneur, whether it is travelling, networking or other perks such as flexibility in scheduling. Although there are mundane tasks involved with owning a business, the mere fact that I have the choice to create the life I desire, brings freedom to me.” — Christopher Wilding, CEO, Wilding Consulting Inc.
51. “I started my career in Corporate America and always felt that the ball would roll downhill with or without me in such a big setting with layers of management and the inertia of the company behind me. If I got hit by a bus someone would be at my desk within hours to pick up where I left off. I started a global marketing firm 16 years ago and as an entrepreneur you test your meddle every day. Your DNA is in every part of the business, every client, every sale. I love knowing I matter and can make a huge difference in the direction and trajectory of my business and my clients too. It is a reflection of my values, blood, sweat and tears. It is great to see your passion have impact every day and makes being a small business owner so meaningful.
My husband & I went through a 6 year period recently where we lost 7 close family members the last of whom died in 2016. I am so grateful that given how sick they were, no one is left from that generation in either of our families now so I hope we are now in period of peace, good health and stability and we do not lose any more loved ones for many years if not decades to come. I am very thankful that we both had started our companies right after 9/11 so by the time our family members began to get sick and die we already had strong and successful businesses that gave us the flexibility to work from wherever we needed to and armed with our computers and cell phones our clients could be serviced without missing a beat. We are very fortunate that the market values what we have been trained to do so that we have been able to start successful businesses based on our education and prior job experience. We are lucky to be living in the US where these entrepreneurial stories are possible.” — Paige Arnof-Fenn, Founder and CEO, Mavens & Moguls
52. “We are incredibly grateful for a successful third year in business! We largely attribute this to our loyal customers. We have many subscribers who have been with us since day one and get new loyal customers all the time. We had a tremendous media placement in Reader’s Digest that brought us a huge amount of new business from all fifty states. That combined with our very loyal and healthy customers continues to fuel our growth as a company. We are so lucky to get to put all the knowledge and experience we gained practicing medicine for so many years into creating the highest quality personalized multivitamins for people everywhere.” — Arielle Levitan M.D. & Romy Block M.D.,
Co-founders, Vous Vitamin LLC
53. “Some of the many things that I’m most grateful for are my health, my beautiful family and the ability to help others that are less fortunate. My company was founded on my two passions which are sports and philanthropy and I’m blessed to use my influence with the many pro athletes that I know and work with and have them support some of the greatest nonprofit organizations out there. In doing such, I have been able to teach my 8 year-old son the importance of giving back from the ripe old age of 2. My health and passion drives my ambition and ability to keep growing my business and do what I love to do best.” — MJ Pedone, CEO and owner, Indra Public Relations
54. “I’m thankful for a lot this year, including starting a company to better serve the military community and help them become successful marketers. I’m an online social media/marketing coach and consultant for military community entrepreneurs, often military spouses and veterans. Unable to serve for medical reasons, I set out to help the community I believe in become successful business owners instead. I started my business because I saw military spouse and veteran underemployment and wanted to do my part to help solve it. I am a thankful entrepreneur because my business has allowed me to meet talented and skilled military spouses and veterans – some of the best I’ve ever met. Owning a marketing business and serving this community is the most rewarding career I’ve ever had!” — Jenny Hale, Owner, The Military Social Media Guru
55. “This year I am especially thankful for our new employees. We have added some great individuals to our team, which allows me as a business owner to be able to delegate more work and focus on growing the company rather than just maintaining.” — Robert Ellis, CEO, Massage Tables Now
56. “I am grateful for a 15-minute webinar on a small business topic led to an opportunity to expound and speak on the same topic at the inaugural Expert VA Live conference in April 2018. Grateful for Expert VA Training Coach Kathy Goughenour’s keen ear and invitation!” — Melissa St. Clair, Owner, Paper Chaser
57. “There are many things to be thankful this year, and we are happy to be able to share a couple of reasons why with you.
– Company culture is so important to us and to be able to offer incredible benefits (acupuncture, Fridays work from home, weekly meal credits for healthy food delivery service) for our team is truly rewarding. At cThru Media we are happy to provide full attention to both our clients and team.
– We are fortunate enough to expand our staff this year to keep up with new business and how amazing is that?!
– We were fortunate enough to move into a new building this year and create a healthy work-life balance for all team members.
– We are thankful to be a company that can give back to the community and encourages our team to do the same with any organization they would like with our full support.
– Being able to take on clients we are passionate about and enjoy working with is one of the best feelings to have as business owners.” — Elizabeth Salomon, Client Service Manager, cThru Media
58. “At the outset of the year, I decided to focus on PR/press and speaking. At the close of the year, I’ve been quoted in Reader’s Digest, Prevention, BeachBody, Sparkpeople, Healthline, Classpass, MyFitnessPal, Bustle and Huffington Post — plus dozens of others. And I just signed with a speakers representative. So my business had ups and downs but I met my goals and am excited about the future!” — Janis Isaman, Owner, My Body Couture
59. “This year I am thankful for connecting with new customers to offer a free letter from Santa.” — Dana Gutkowski, President, North Pole Notes
60. “We are thankful that we are transforming the culture of breastfeeding in the US and helping Mamas demand a place to pump at work and on-the-go! This month Mamava delivered its 350th lactation suite, validating our mission of transforming the culture of breastfeeding in the US by providing solutions for public and private entities to easily accommodate the needs of nursing mothers. From 2016 to 2017, Mamava has experienced 67% year-over-year growth in pod placements. Federal Legislation within the Fair Labor Standards Act’s mandates for employers to provide a reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk in a clean, private place; other than a bathroom, has lead both private companies and public spaces to seek the ideal solution to accommodate nursing women. In 2014, Mamava had 8 partners who purchased suites. Today, that number has grown to 200+ partners.. There are now Mamava pods in 350+ locations in 39 states including airports, malls, hospitals, universities, corporate offices, football and baseball stadiums, schools and zoos. Mamava has had a deep impact on how women nurse at work and on-the-go. The demand is fueled by an evolving American work culture, heavily influenced by Millennial Moms, 1.3 million of whom gave birth in 2015. Millennial Moms are highly connected and in search of products and services that simplify lifestyle demands. They are not only aware of the laws to have access to a clean, quiet place to pump at work, but they also expect employers to have these accommodations in place when they return from maternity leave.” — Sascha Mayer, CEO, Mamava
61. “I am grateful for my hard-working teammates that I have built this business from scratch. Many times in an entrepreneurial endeavor it’s pure benevolence to teammates that keeps you going through the hard times and the low lows. My teammates and I have formed a bond that is gotten us through difficult times and I am grateful for their hard work towards our vision and willingness to persevere through the challenges of starting a business from scratch.” — Bryan Clayton, CEO, GreenPal
62. “We are thankful to have the ability to grow to where we are in just around 8 months, since launch. We have hit our low-end goal for our first year, 33% faster than we anticipated, and are ready to take on new challenges!” — Dan Salganik, Co-Founder, VisualFizz
63. “I am most thankful for having an opportunity to work within an industry I have loved since 12 years old. It wasn’t until a year ago that I decided to fight for career love. After seven years on lacking fulfillment by not being able to find a position in my field. I had to choose between working for a paycheck in a toxic environment or else. I didn’t even know what else was. All I know is in November 2016, I was crying inside and out, looking for real career love. But thanks to entrepreneurship I rekindled with my love , by creating my ideal position and company, This November 2017, I smile and celebrate. Amongst everything, I am simply thankful to be an entrepreneur.” — Melo Davis, Owner, PR Expression
64. “Blu Skin Care is most thankful for the unbelievable press coverage we received this year including the full page write up in Huffington Post. We are so thankful.” — Zondra Wilson, Owner, Blu Skin Care
65. “I am the owner of Lazy Italian Culinary Adventures and I have a few things to be thankful for with regards to my business mostly related to publicity. I am thankful to have had a one-page profile of me and my business on my favorite publication, Success Magazine! This was very exciting but this wasn’t it! I also had a 5-page article published in a notable magazine, Tastes of Italia, and additionally, made a connection that led to me becoming a Contributing Writer for a magazine entitled Foodies of New England. I also have several online connections that draw a crowd to my website on a regular basis. All this leads to great attention for my business, which offers culinary tours to Italy. As a new business, I am very thankful for these connections and opportunities that have come my way!” — Francesca Montillo, Founder and Owner, Lazy Itallian Culinary Adventures
66. “I am most thankful for my family, which is my support network. Without their unconditional love and confidence in my abilities, I never would have pursued becoming a full time Real Estate Investor. Because of them I dove head-first into my investing education, pulled long hours in building rapport with my investing community. This all ultimately lead to the acquisition of several rental properties in the mid-west which have ample equity and are cash flowing! Next year we will be able to easily double our portfolio and I am one step closer to complete financial freedom!” — Javier Banuelos, Owner, Player 1 Investments
67. “I am most thankful for a team of people that give without remembering and receive without forgetting. They constantly think of ways to help our patients and meet their needs in more ways than just providing therapy to them.” — Ginger Geldreich Jones, Founder and CEO, Jones Therapy Services
68. “I started a business a year and a half ago, and if it wasn’t for my clients who put their trust in me and my skills, my business would have gotten off to a bad start. But my clients’ enthusiasm, patience and generosity has meant that my business, not only started smoothly, but is progressing at a positive rate.” — Ahmed Khalifa, Founder and Director, IgniteRock
69. “We are thankful for our coverage in the November issue of O Magazine. (Oprah originally covered our program 17 years ago on her tv program!) It is special to have this continued great exposure for our mission and program!” — Rachel Doyle, Founder and CEO, GlamourGals Foundation
70. “On November 11th, I’ll be celebrating my first year in business which is extremely exciting. I am most grateful for ever client that has walked through my doors as a new business as I’ve learned tons of lessons, made great connections, and without them I could not be an entrepreneur. My greatest accomplishment this year has been getting my client on a National TV Show – The Harry Show. I am super excited for year two!” — Kayla Rose, CEO, The PR Rose
71. “I was rather satisfied working at other firms, as it allowed me to provide value similarly to how I provide value to my clients today, and with much more sleep. The reason I decided to move into starting my own business, wasn’t because of money, or the lack thereof, as I was paid rather well, but more so the sense of freedom, and control, as to how much value I can provide my clients. I can reflect upon many instances when I was told not to advise, or not to improve, upon a certain situation due to budget restrictions by my superiors, and this wasn’t what I entered this career for. I know that this industry as a whole is only getting more complicated as it unravels itself, and in the community I grew up in, I’d simply like to help as many other entrepreneurs, or business owners alike, pursue their dreams to financial success so that they can help their clients, in whatever industry that may be in. The circle of good goes around. When you’re providing your client with enough value to solve their problems, money shouldn’t be the issue. This is why I decided to pursue my own business endeavor full-time. This has been one of the most rewarding choices of my life. Not only have I’ve been able to “cut-the-cord” from your typical 9-5 job, but I have positioned myself to change the lives of my clients more than I’ve ever been able to before! This is something I have dreamed of my entire life, and for it to be “in living color” in 2017, brings me the utmost joy. To be staring down the pipeline of my dreams, with nothing but opportunity and fulfillment at my fingertips; therefore I am ever so grateful this year!” — Steve Griffin, Founder, GRIFFIN Tax
72. “I am Thankful for Expedient Expansion: “When are you expanding your business in other major parts of the world?” I was asked this question several times when I established my dream business named as “XenelSoft technologies” in India. The journey of building my own business started 3 years back when I was much aware of the fact how sales can be targeted with the digital approach. I gathered the professionals of website designing, website development, and digital marketing to prepare a single platform to meet the business needs. Things were sorted as I finally started what I always wanted to. One question that kept bugging me was what about the expansion or growth? Later this year, I lived by this question and expanded my business in London, U.K successfully. I am immensely thankful for this opportunity and currently is working for expansion in Australia, and Netherland as well. As an owner of digital media agency, I felt the need to widen my horizons by placing myself across the globe with a one-stop solution. As an Individual and business as a whole, I realized what it takes to be here. I am delighted for the successful accomplishment of my target with sheer determination and hard work.” — Rohit Bisht, Founder and CEO, XenelSoft Technologie
73. “At Dexios in 2017, we are thankful for process improvement and robotics. Medical billing is a mature, highly competitive business where the biggest expense is payroll. We’ve made big leaps in automation of our processes which increase both accuracy and speed while requiring less human capital.” — Kyle Tucker, President, Dexios Corporation
74. “I am incredibly thankful for my clients. This year I acquired bigger clients and tripled my revenue from last year! I am very excited to see what 2018 brings and hopefully, I can say I tripled my revenue again!!” — Ameet Khabra, Online Marketer, Ameet Khabra Marketing Inc.
75. “I’m thankful for my team. For their dedication to Jarrell in good times and difficult times, for their belief in me as a leader and our shared vision and values. I am thankful for their personal investment in making Jarrell better and for all the times they’ve stepped up to deliver, even when delivery seems impossible.” — Mike Jarrell, Founder and CEO, Jarrell
76. “2017 has been stellar for us. At the beginning of the year we launched two industry first innovations, a mobile app and a proprietary online client interface. As a result, we’ve since won two global FEM Tax Provider of the Year awards, as well as being named runner up in Innovation in Banking and Financial Services in the Americas region. Reflecting on these achievements, I’m most thankful for our dedicated and talented team, who, despite being geographically dispersed (we’re a 100% remote working firm), have driven the change and innovation that are letting us thrive.” — Greg Dewald, Founder and CEO, Bright!Tax
77. “I am most thankful for the freedom to create a work schedule that works for me. It makes a huge difference in my overall mood and productivity to work when it makes sense for me. I am also thankful for an amazing growth year in just my 2nd year in business.” — Michelle Perez, Owner, Michelle Perez Events
78. “After 8 years of hard work and determination, Fantastic Services and many other achievements have turned into reality. It is all thanks to the employees, staff and professionals, dedicated to keep the good company name. This year I am most grateful for them – all involved are going to extreme lengths to grow Fantastic Services. They are the ones who make it better every day!” — Rune Sovndahl, Co-Founder and CEO, Fantastic Services
79. “2017 has been our biggest year yet thanks to the expansion of our LA team with high-caliber talent. One of our beta customers at Sony Pictures Home Entertainment was so blown away by our game-changing AI technology that he left his position as VP of Sony Pictures to join our startup’s LA team as VP of Customer & Product Success. Jeff Fueston’s experience is just the propellant Algomus needs to continue to solve big problems with Big Data. We are particularly thrilled to add such deep vertical expertise in the Home Entertainment space to our model. Having been a client who implemented Algomus into their strategy while serving as VP at Sony Pictures, Jeff knows the power and value Algomus brings to businesses that integrate their technology into their workflow. With over 20 years experience in entertainment distribution at Technicolor, Universal, MGM, and most recently at Sony, Jeff has seen the landscape change dramatically over the years. Having witnessed such rapid change only reinforces his experience that Algomus helps companies drive sales and cost savings, even in declining markets. The addition of such a talented VP is just the propellant Algomus needed in 2017 to continue to bring the power of AI to global industry leaders. Thankful is an understatement!” — Amjad Hussain, CEO, Algomus
80. “I’m grateful for landing a partnership with travel booking giant, Priceline: Earlier this year, my startup, Rad Season, landed a partnership with booking giant, Priceline. Prior to our partnership, travelers would need to visit multiple websites to complete their outdoor and adventure travel booking needs. However, with Priceline’s help, Rad Season now offers them the opportunity to book their personalized travel requirements complete with events and accommodation from a single integrated platform.” — Oli Russell-Cowan, Founder, Rad Season
81. “I know this sounds strange, but I am thankful I have a medical condition – Vulvodynia – that most women would dread. If I had not been diagnosed with this chronic pelvic pain condition, I would have never sought a treatment, I would never have invented a medical device solution, and I certainly would have never founded a start-up business. Because all those things did happen, my company and product has now helped over 6,000 women suffering from pelvic pain all over the world. I am thankful that my condition gave me the drive to find an answer that changes women’s lives every day.” — Tara Langdale-Schmidt, Co-Founder, VuVatech
82. “I am most thankful for the development of the share-economy apps such as Airbnb, Uber etc as they enabled me to travel more on the road more conveniently and more affordable. I developed and (very recently) launched my first business The Flight Deals Hound this year while traveling full time on the road (across Europe, Central America and on to Asia next) and was able to find affordable accommodations on Airbnb almost for the entire time I am traveling. Also the popularity and adoption of Uber abroad also enabled me to get around in places I do not speak the languages of (thus hailing taxis are hard) and not worried about being charged at exorbitant prices. I was able to develop my app on the road while keeping my cost low, and all this would almost be impossible to do 10 years ago!” — Anna Wu, Founder, Flight Deals Hound
83. “This year, I’m grateful to help make a difference in the lives of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As part of our commitment to giving back, Brilliant Earth funded a new primary school with Diamond Development Initiative in a rural diamond mining community. Every child has the right to an education, but in many mining communities there are no local schools. Many of the children attending would otherwise be forced to mine for diamonds and receive no formal education. The school recently completed its second school year after adding another class of students, and I am so thankful that 100% of the students passed their entrance exams to continue their education in secondary school.” — Beth Gerstein, Co-CEO, Brilliant Earth
84. “Since we began out of my house in 2015 we’ve grown more than 40 percent and transformed from a concept to a full-blown brand featured in retailers across the US. A lot of that has been hard work and passion, but what keeps the spark, the real secret to our success, has been the support of close friends and ongoing engagement with fans of Fluffy Layers’ products.. Whether it is playdates with my friend’s kids or a sweet message on social media from a mom who loves our products, I am so thankful for all the love and well wishes I get from my fellow Farm Queens. It makes all the difference.” — Tara Grier, Founder and CEO, Fluffy Layers
85. “This year I am truly thankful that I made the step to put myself out there more. This year I invested in a team and completely rebranded my business. I am thankful for my team of experts who have sort of become my extended family and have the same desire for growth that I do. I am also thankful for pushing myself by looking for opportunities to promote by brand. I have always been scared and nervous about putting myself out there but the re branding totally gave me the confidence to showcase my knowledge and talent to the world. I am thankful for my clients, my friends and family will not ever want to see me quit and most of all, the eye-opening experiences I have had (both good and bad) that have shaped and molded me into the person I am today.” — Carla Williams Johnson, Owner, Carli Communications
86. “This year, I’m most thankful for our community. A day doesn’t go by where I don’t feel so fortunate to have such a passionate crew on our side. Our handwriting artists give us thoughtful feedback, insightful ideas and are always helping to promote Punkpost on their social media handles. They also act as cheerleaders for each other by giving daily props and encouragement to each other. This community sounds too good to be true with all the support and positivity that they provide, and that’s exactly why I’m pinching myself every day and continually grateful for the people who make Punkpost what it is.” — Alexis Monson, CEO, Punkpost
87. “I am most thankful for many things this year. (2017). Being recognized and featured in the Amazon best-seller book Elite Entrepreneurs has been a thrill. In addition, I was honored and privileged to have contributed my PR services Pro Bono to the Make-A-Film Foundation a non-profit organization that matches A-list actors, producers, writers and directors with critically and terminally ill children to help make their film dreams come true. Also, during this year, I’ve been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Harvard Business Review, on the Fox News site and in PopSugar and Roostergnn Global News Network.” — Rhonda Rees, Owner, Rhonda Rees Public Relations Company
88. “I’m most thankful for my people. My clients who honor me by sharing their goals, challenges and successes in every call. And my team that has been with me for years, through different strategies and new approaches and offerings; through workshops and big client engagements that required lots of hours; and who is willing to stretch and learn and grow to do the best work we can for our clients!” — Elene Cafasso, President, Enerpace, Inc.
89. “I am thankful that no large and expensive pieces of equipment broke or needed to be replaced during the year. In previous years I’ve had to buy new computers, new cameras and a new industrial sewing machine, and those purchases were expensive.” — Jennifer Boaro, COO, The Cat Ball
90.“I’m grateful for the roller coaster ride that is owning a business. If I didn’t experience lows both professionally and personally, then I wouldn’t appreciate the highs. This year, I surpassed my prior income level from my professional career before becoming a business owner, which would have never been possible, if I hadn’t learned from my mistakes and bumps along the way.” — Catherine Wood, Executive Coach, Unbounded Potentia
91. “I’m grateful for a ton of things this year! Not only did we launch two more successful business’, were working on a fifth business to launch late this year early next year which is very exciting. We also purchased an office space which is amazing because our companies are continually growing! I’m also grateful to be able to be experiencing all of these positive things with my family, I can’t imagine building this company into what it is without them by my side and without their support!” — Emanuela deFalco, President and CEO, Dirty Little Secret Cosmetics Inc.
92. “As an Entrepreneur, the thing that I am most thankful for this year is that my companies are still in business. This year was a year of growth for my companies, but you can’t have growth without challenges. My businesses have weathered the storms and we are still here to help others reach their potential, accomplish their goals, and give our clients what they need.” — Vid Lamonte’ Buggs Jr., Founder and Owner, 4-U-Nique Publishing, LLC. and VLB/VBJ Enterprises
93. “I am so thankful that our company has doubled in number of employees and tripled in gross revenues over the past year. We have also moved to a new, larger office space, and are planning a secondary location in another city for 2018. It has been a remarkable year, and I am very excited to see what the next one entails!” — Courtney Barbee, Co-Owner, The Bookkeeper
94. “In the entrepreneurial world 9-5s, working for the big boss tends to get a bad rap but I wouldn’t be able to do what I do, running my own small business if it weren’t for my husband who works for that 9-5 big boss. He’s able to provide a steady income plus much needed health insurance for our family of 7 while I work to get my business off the ground.” — Shawna Beckmann, CEO, She Speaks Sales
95. “This year I’m very thankful for the great team we have. As a small but growing company we doubled in size in 2017, bringing on three new team members, including one fully remote developer. This was a brand-new strategy for us and things have worked out very well. We’ve also moved offices, gained international clients in new countries and brought on our largest client to date. Most importantly, we’ve done it all with plenty of smiles, enjoyment and satisfaction along the way. I’m also really pleased that we’ve supported many good causes, whether that’s been catering provided by a non-profit that helps eradicate homelessness in our local community, paying our carbon neutral tax to offset what we use or sponsoring various fun runs and moustache growing efforts by colleagues and clients. We ask a lot of our team at times, and ensure we make up for that with great benefits. With Thanksgiving approaching, it’s a good time to reflect on our year and with all journeys, we have had our share of bumps in the road. However, as the year draws to a close, it’s exciting to see that we are a step further towards our goals.” — Kyle White, Co-founder and CEO, VeryConnect
96. “I’m most thankful for starting Koda’s Choice with two of my friends. I’m the President, so it takes up a lot of time, but I couldn’t ask for anything more fulfilling than giving back my time and effort to something that can change people’s lives. In a nutshell, Koda’s Choice is a nonprofit that places trained service dogs with veterans who are suffering from PTSD and traumatic brain injuries. So many of our brave veterans are coming home and trying to resume their normal lives when there is nothing normal about what they’ve been through. By pairing them with shelter dogs that have been trained to provide love and companionship, we honor our veterans by giving something back to the men and women who have given us everything. There simply aren’t enough words to describe what it feels like to give back – and to change people’s lives in such an incredible way.” — Tabitha Jean Naylor, Founder and Owner and President, Koda’s Choice
97. “This year has been an extremely successful year for Anthem and there are a number of things that I have to be grateful for. First of all, I am grateful for all of the people that work within our organization, both old and new, as they are the glue that hold the company together. From our Vice-President, Ashley Mercurio, my right hand and a catalyst for so much that we do, to our newest interns, everyone plays an essential role in making this company what it is. This year I am also incredibly thankful for my most recent accomplishment; being awarded with the 2017 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Notre Dame for my accomplishment in business and my commitment to leadership and service. During my time developing and growing Anthem, I found success at the University of Notre Dame through the Mendoza College of Business. I also had the honor of receiving last year’s “Ask More of Business” award from Notre Dame, for Anthem’s success in making an impact at the local, national, and international levels in its business, for-profit endeavors, and its social causes and mission. Being the youngest recipient of both awards makes me even more grateful to have had this opportunity and given the resources to achieve this accomplishment for both myself and Anthem. Finally, I am thankful for yet another successful year with our flagship restaurant, The Charles River Bistro which not only features an array of free public programming and unique dining experiences, but continues to maintain its philanthropic roots through its three job programs and at-risk youth outings. Anthem has created three job programs which are executed at the Bistro which provide employment and job training to at-risk youth, individuals in recovery, and adults transitioning from homelessness back into the workforce. Anthem also collaborates with organizations and CBO’s to coordinate youth outings that offer the educational opportunity to over 5,000 as-risk pre-teens and teenagers to leave their immediate neighborhoods, thus exposing them to new experiences, people, and places. I am extremely grateful to have had these opportunities to give back to my community, while continuing to do something that I am passionate about. Overall, I am thankful in general for the constant strides Anthem is making as a company, as well as the future endeavors we have planned for the upcoming year in 2018.” — Chris Sinclair, President and Founder, The Anthem Group
98. “This year I transitioned my startup blog Vyteo.com into a full fledged PR & Marketing services company. I’m most thankful for my new marketing contact Teresa Boggs who is one-hundred times smarter and better than I could ever hope to be. Although she’s just available for part time projects the level of service we’re able to provide skyrocketed with her attention to detail and friendly approach.” — Stephen Gibson, Founder, Vyteo
99. “I am thankful for the opportunity to travel. Starting a company means I can work and travel at the same time. I have had the opportunity to experience many different countries and cultures around the globe because of this. Our company brand stands for travel, so I am grateful to be able to do what I love and build a business at the same time.” — Josh Moore, Co-founder, Res Ipsa
100. “This year, I could not have had the success I had if not for a strong business network. No individual has all the answers, and no one is perfect, so I have found that it is important to build trusting, professional connections to turn to for advice. These connections include:
The Alternative Board: A network of other business owners and business coaches designed to answer business challenges and help you learn from others’ experiences. This network has been instrumental to establishing future strategies and resolving current problems.
Partner Agencies: By partnering with non-competing agencies, we have been able to specialize and become more efficient in certain areas. For example, by partnering with videography specialists, we are able to receive all the video content needed for projects without the need for an in-house videographer. Industry Professionals: Through attending events such as WordCamp, I have had the opportunity to meet many skilled digital professionals. Some of these professionals have worked with us on various projects, such as a content specialist who revamped the content on our website based on her expertise. These are just a few of the connections I have been fortunate enough to make in the past year. Here’s to another great year!” — Brandon Kidd, Founder and Ceo, Folsom Creative
101. “We published two of my novels in 2010 and 2011, but I went back to school to get my graduate degree (junior college, undergrad, then graduate school), so I spent most of my time writing essays, homework, studying, and research papers. I had no time for novels! After graduation, I finally got back into writing novels again this year. I was nervous that my readers had forgotten about me, but not only did test readers express their enthusiasm for my upcoming book, I have several readers who bought my first books already onboard for my latest effort. I’m so thankful that I still have dedicated readers of my work, despite my long hiatus!” — James W. Lewis, Author, The Pantheon Collective
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View Comments
This is such a warm and thoughtful post. During a time of year where we might be stressed and worried about getting everything done, it's an important reminder to us all that we need to be thankful everything that we have.
What a great list! Thanks for sharing.
So much to be grateful for! What a great list and lovely to read all the thoughtful comments from each of the contributors.