Technology is advancing fast. You could argue the future envisioned in sci-fi movies and books is already here. Talking cars with in-dash navigation systems, face-to-face chats with friends half way around the world, kitchen appliances with touch-screens connected to the internet — tomorrow’s technology is here now, replacing things we take for granted.

These apps might soon replace personal assistants. They respond to your every command, have a virtual Rolodex of places, names, and facts at their fingertips, and manage all your daily tasks.

Get Siri-ous About Your Life

Meet Siri, a completely virtual personal assistant who lives inside your iPhone. Siri will help you find the closest pizza place or tell you who the fourteenth president was (Franklin Pierce, born in Franklin, NH). It’s like having a geeky best friend who’s an encyclopedia of knowledge, knows every restaurant and bar in town, and only tells you when you ask them. Perfect!

Get it Now With Google Now

With Google Now, Google’s answer to Siri, you can do just about anything with a few voice commands. Summon your email, check your flight itinerary to see when your flight arrives, get the scores of last night’s basketball game, and get the traffic so you can zoom around rush hour back-ups and get home earlier. This app is now available on the iPhone, iPad, and a huge selection of T-Mobile android phones.

Make My Day, Every Day

Maluuba is yet another Android personal assistant app, with a slightly different angle. This app has a unique feature called ‘My Day’, a collection of your tasks and meetings from your calendar. This helps you keep it together on even the most hectic days. Watch out personal assistants everywhere, the cell phone is coming for your job!

Download a Personal Sherpa

If Google Now and Siri had a child, it would be Sherpa, another incredible personal assistant app. Sherpa blends many of the same features you find on other apps. Though it’s not quite deep as either, it’s more broad. You can use it to connect on Facebook, chat, play music, get a flight, find a burger and more.

The most fascinating feature about Sherpa is that the program learns how you think and predicts what you will need. When was the last time your personal assistant did that? The only thing it can’t do is guide you up the summit of Everest, you’ll need a real assistant for that.

Reach for the Skyvi

Skyvi is the personal assistant for those who like more ‘personal’ in their assistant. This app fetches flight info, addresses, facts, plays music, gives you access to social networks, and makes funny, witty remarks. It’s the personal assistant with a fun personality to keep you in a good mood while you take on all those daily tasks.

If you need to manage your busy life, don’t hire a personal assistant; just download one of these apps to your phone.

Kristina Jackson is a freelance writer, journalist and author. She is a diverse writer who enjoys capturing experiences and turning them into literary works.