MyCorporation is proud to announce that, after months of hard work and translations, we are officially launching the Spanish version of our site! Starting your…
Articles by Deborah Sweeney
Traditionally, Limited Liability Companies are treated like partnerships. Two or more people get together, found a company, form an LLC, and then start running the business.…
Limited Liability Companies were, originally, meant to be a replacement for the standard partnership. In 1977, the IRS ruled that it would treat the very…
Last week, we asked 75 entrepreneurs to tell us what they loved about running their own businesses. The feedback we got was so overwhelming, today…
What do you love about being an entrepreneur? Here at MyCorp, we find that asking this kind of question to small business owners is a…
A Limited Liability Partnership is a very interesting type of business structure. Limited Liability Companies already combine the ease of running a partnership with the…
Corporate seals are a remnant of the middle ages, back when official documents were legitimized by a hot wax imprint of a seal or crest.…
From secret supper clubs to the first all clean comedy club in the United States, we recently polled 52 brand new small business owners about…
Are you a small business owner, entrepreneur, or just brimming with advice about the start-up world that you want to share? We want you to…
We have written on non-profit corporations before, but as we only dedicated a sliver of a paragraph to how you actually form a non-profit, we…