If you decide to incorporate or form an LLC, then you'll need to designate a registered agent on behalf of your business. What is a…
There are two options available when it comes to appointing a registered agent for a small business. Acting as your own registered agent. Yes, an…
Entrepreneurs can choose who will serve as their registered agent when forming their business. After incorporating as an LLC or corporation, most states require a…
The short answer – yes. But, regardless, it may still be a good idea to hire someone else to be your registered agent. Registered agents…
It's a big day over here at MyCorp as we welcome a new addition to the online MyCorporation family!: Registered-Agent.com. Registered-Agent.com offers small business owners registered…
Welcome to our weekly Business Basics post! This week we decided to explore a service that nearly every Corporation and LLC uses - registered agents.…
We often get questioned: "What's an RA?" An "RA" is an abbreviation for "registered agent." It is a mandatory "agent" of the corporation or LLC…