We at MyCorporation wanted to express solidarity with the Internet-wide blackouts against the SOPA and the PIPA. Our CEO Deborah Sweeney has already written on this particular issue over at MO.COM, but we wanted to once again affirm our strong stance against this ill-advised and poorly planned legislation.
While we understand the need to curb piracy, these acts are not the answer. Rather than having the desired effect, if passed these acts would do little to actually halt the spread of content theft. But they will increase the barriers of entry for small businesses looking to open an online store front, and they will stifle high-tech entrepreneurship.
We implore everyone reading to contact your representative and senators asking that they take a good, hard look at this legislation and demand a better bill. A bill that has airtight, technically sound definitions, heavy input from the technology sector, checks and balances ensuring that due-process can be invoked before, during, and after any action is taken, and clear repercussions for entities utilizing the legislation in an abusive manner.* You can see where your senators and congressional representative stand on these bills at ProPublica.
MyCorporation will always stand on the side of the small business owner, and both the SOPA and the PIPA would do them nothing but harm. Please take the time to read these bills (SOPA and PIPA) for yourself and stand with us against this harmful legislation.
As always, we thank all of you for your support and look forward to continue helping all small businesses get a strong start.